A Day In The Sand

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Under the scorching midday sun, Adam and Angelica trudged along the rugged path, their footsteps stirring up dust clouds

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Under the scorching midday sun, Adam and Angelica trudged along the rugged path, their footsteps stirring up dust clouds. Adam wiped the sweat from his brow, feeling the heat weighing heavily on him.

"Wow, it's hot," Adam remarked, his voice tinged with surprise and discomfort.

Angelica grinned at him knowingly. "Yeah, I told you it would be a hot day."

"But I didn't think it would be like this; I'm already sweating," Adam replied, adjusting his backpack.

"Don't worry, we're almost there, and I packed extra water," Angelica reassured him soothingly.

For Angelica, this day held significance beyond the heat and the challenging hike. It was a memory etched in her mind that would resurface unexpectedly in the years to come.

They continued for another ten minutes until they reached a point marked by Angelica over the years—a makeshift X made from seashells, rocks, and bits of vegetation. She turned to Adam with a bright smile. "We're here."

Brimming with excitement, Angelica dashed towards her destination, her laughter resonating across the landscape. Stopping momentarily to absorb the beauty around her, she felt a profound gratitude for life and the path that led her to this moment. She embraced her identity as a survivor with every fiber of her being.

Gazing down, she surveyed the collection of souvenirs amassed over time. Among them was a brown tin box, once a holder of fascinating articles, now a treasure chest safeguarding her most cherished memories. She opened the box and carefully extracted an article.

 Rewinding a decade earlier, we meet Angelica, 17, the level-headed one; her friend Chelsey, 18, nurturing and maternal; and Danielle, 16, the good-hearted rebel with causes, also Manny's younger sister

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Rewinding a decade earlier, we meet Angelica, 17, the level-headed one; her friend Chelsey, 18, nurturing and maternal; and Danielle, 16, the good-hearted rebel with causes, also Manny's younger sister. Tyler, 17, the charming jock, always brought smiles to the girls' faces. Manny, now 21, had graduated a few years prior and was a college quarterback. At that time, Chelsey and Manny shared a special connection.

"Hey, come over and look at this," Tyler exclaimed, surprised.

Angelica and Danielle quickly made their way to Tyler, only to halt abruptly, overcome with hysteria.

"What is that?" Danielle inquired.

"I have no idea," Tyler lied, aiming to keep the girls calm.

"We'd better leave before someone sees us with it," Tyler suggested.

Chelsey and Manny noticed the group's attention fixed on something and decided to see what had their attention. Manny took one glance, froze, and began breathing heavily. Chelsey, seeing his panic, turned to him and asked, "What's wrong, Manny? Are you okay? MANNY?"

He spun around and began to run. Everyone followed, worried, trying to understand what he knew about what they had just seen.

"It was a body, but oh my god, why did it look like that?" Danielle exclaimed, driven by curiosity.

"Shut up, Danielle, just shut up, alright?" Manny shouted back.

"What is your problem, man? She is not the target here," Tyler spoke in a serious tone

"Manny, if you know something, you have to tell us," Chelsey urged in a soft, concerned voice.

While they comforted Manny, Angelica sat quietly, gazing out the window. She was always a bit different, piecing together clues as if she were a detective in training, and surprisingly, sometimes, she was right.

She pondered over Manny and their time as friends.

"What has gotten him so riled up? He isn't the type to get frightened easily; he rarely ever freezes, and I've never seen him cry, yet I saw a tear," Angelica thought.

"What has gotten him so riled up? He isn't the type to get frightened easily; he rarely ever freezes, and I've never seen him cry, yet I saw a tear," Angelica thought

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She paused to consider which pieces she had gathered that could lead her to another, reflecting on anything Manny had done recently that seemed out of the ordinary. With a look of curiosity, she rose and walked to the kitchen for a drink. Though she wasn't thirsty, she wanted to stroll to clear her mind and ponder more effectively. A smile crossed her face as she returned to her seat; she had stumbled upon a clue. Confident she would find another piece to confirm her suspicions, she glanced at a distinctive picture frame on Manny's wall. It appeared to be a group portrait, but Angelica couldn't make it out clearly without drawing attention.

Angelica was certain she would find out what had Manny so agitated. She had hoped her suspicions were incorrect, but she couldn't comprehend that if she was possibly right, why wasn't Manny speaking out? Was it because he was shocked by his discovery, or was there another question she should be considering?

"Manny, it's getting late. We're just going to call it a night and try to figure all of this out in the morning," Tyler said in a tired voice.

Manny continued to sit in a frozen position. Chesley decided to stay behind to comfort Manny further. Seeing him like this caused her to worry, but she didn't want thoughts of the worst possibilities, so she waited until Manny was responsive.

Tyler and Angelica proceeded to give everyone goodbye hugs as they headed out of the front door. Angelica looked closer at the photo on the wall and saw something that blew her mind. Could it be? After all this time, could we finally have uncovered what happened that day? Pumped, she ran outside to meet Tyler.

"Tyler, do you remember a couple of years ago when Manny had a terrible day and was being rude to everyone? Do you remember the news he was told that day?" Angelica asked.

Tyler looked around in deep thought, trying to remember the last time he saw Manny in an aggressive yet sad state, and then it hit him. He turned his head toward the beach, looked back at the house and Angelica, and his eyes widened. He had realized what Angelica was hinting at.

"Do you think that's what we saw? But how could that be? We were there; we saw the bo-" Tyler stopped as Angelica cut him off.

"Let's not speak more of it until we get better information," Angelica said as she turned to go opposite Tyler.

Angelica was resolute in her quest to discover what was transpiring. She couldn't explain why she felt this way, but she believed it was her gift to the world—revealing hidden truths to bring comfort or relief to others.

One thing Angelica knew for certain was that if her suspicions were correct, things could become messy and intense.

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