Chapter 5

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July 29th, Nymphia's birthday party, 2024.

Bagel and Nymphia parked in the garage of the house and got out of the car. They went inside of the house to go see the setup that Nymphia's drag daughters made for the party.

"Oh my god!" Nymphia yelled out of excitement. The house was decorated with lights, bowls for the food, there was a cocktail bar, it was amazing.

"So how do you like it?" Bagel said.

"I love it!" Nymphia screamed.

"Glad to hear that." Bagel giggled.

"Are those banana lights?" Nymphia said pointing to the lights hung around the large and open room.

"Yea, they were originally Christmas lights, but they looked great for the party." Bagel said.

"I love that!" Nymphia laughed.

Bagel and Nymphia toured around the house and talked about the plan.

"So we're gonna sing happy birthday and have cake by 8:20 pm right?" Bagel said.

"Yea and then after if anybody brought presents we'll open them and we'll party most of the night and get drunk." Nymphia said.

"Sounds good." Bagel said.

At 6:00 pm people stared to come in and talk to Nymphia.

"Hey girl!" Dawn said to Nymphia while hugging her.

"Hi!" Nymphia said hugging her back.

"I love the decorations!" Dawn said.

"Thank you! My daughters set them up." Nymphia said.

"That's so sweet!" Dawn said.

"While we're waiting for more people to arrive you can just talk and tour the place if you want." Nymphia said.

"Well I'm gonna talk to people now but I'll see you later!" Dawn said.

"See you later!" Nymphia replied.

More people came in such as Nymphia's friends, Rugirls from different seasons, Plane's drag sisters Atlas and Binx, and all the girls from season 16, except for one. Plane hadn't came yet, Nymphia stood in the main room of the house greeting and talking to people, she was thinking about Plane walking through that door, it would feel like a million little shining stars had just aligned, she would be so happy.

"Nymphia." Bagel said nudging Nymphia when no one was around.

"What's up?" Nymphia said.

"Is everyone here yet?" Bagel said.

"Yea almost. I'm just waiting for Plane and... yep just plane." Nymphia said slightly anxious.

"She will probably come soon, don't worry." Bagel said reassuringly.

"Yea." Nymphia replied.

"Don't get worried now she's gonna come." Nymphia thought in her mind.

Time passed and it was 7:30 pm. Plane hadn't came yet. Nymphia was looking and feeling very anxious, was Plane gonna come? She stood there in her party dress and red lipstick, looking around the room for Plane. People were talking and laughing and Plane was nowhere in sight. Atlas and Binx were talking and noticed Nymphia.

"Hey girl." Atlas whispered to Binx.

"What?" Binx replied quietly.

"Nymphia is looking nervous, should we go up to her and ask her what's wrong?" Atlas said. Binx glanced over at Nymphia. Something was clearly wrong.

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