Chapter 15

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November 9th, 5:30, 2024, Atlas's apartment, Boston, Massachusetts

Plane and Nymphia walked hand in hand up the stairs to Atlas's apartment. This was the first time that Nymphia would be seeing Plane's drag sisters besides clubs and parties. The last time Nymphia saw Binx and Atlas was at Nymphia's birthday party when Plane didn't show up. That made Nymphia a bit nervous, but he was sure it was gonna be fine.

Plane knocked on the door and Atlas ran to the door. Atlas opened the door and greeted them.

"Hi Plane! Hi Nymphia!" Atlas said as they wrapped their arms around Plane and Nymphia. Making a group hug.

"Hey girl!" Plane replied while hugging Nymphia and Atlas.

"Hi Atlas!" Nymphia said, following along with Plane.

"Come on in. It's cold outside." Atlas said while backing up to let both of them in.

Plane and Nymphia walked in to Atlas apartment and took their shoes off. Just as they both had taken off their shoes, Binx yelled from the kitchen.

"ARE THEY HERE?" Binx yelled out.

"YEA BITCH." Atlas yelled back, causing Plane and Nymphia to both start laughing.

Binx walked over from the kitchen to see Nymphia and Plane standing in the entry way right beside Atlas.

"Hi guys!" Binx said walking to the entry way of Atlas's apartment.

"Hi Binx!" Plane said as he pulled Binx in for a hug.

"I haven't heard from you in forever." Binx replied while hugging Plane.

"Well everyone could hear you from the kitchen that's for sure." Plane said back.

Binx giggled as they both pulled away from each other.

"Hi Nymphia!" Binx said, reaching out to shake Nymphia's hand.

"Hi Binx." Nymphia replied, shaking Binx's hand.

"Damn she gave me a hug and Nymphia a goddamn HANDSHAKE." Plane laughed and so did Atlas.

"I'm not sure if Nymphia's okay with hugs yet!" Binx yelled at Plane while also laughing.

"It's okay Binx!" Nymphia laughed.

"Why don't y'all sit at the table because the food should be done soon. Is the Mac and cheese almost done Binx?" Atlas said walking over to the table.

"Oh shit I forgot about that-" Binx replied while running over to the kitchen.


Nymphia and Plane sat down as Binx came running back into the dining room with the Mac and cheese in hand.

"It looks fine. So it should be good." Binx responded, out of breath and staring and the Mac and cheese.

"You're a dumbass." Atlas said.

Atlas walked into the kitchen to see if anything else was going wrong. Binx followed. Nymphia and Plane sat at the table alone.

"Sorry about my sisters. I promise it's not just Binx, they're both dumb as fuck." Plane whispered to Nymphia.

"It's okay." Nymphia chuckled.

~DREAMING OF YOU~ A PLANYMPHIA FANFICWhere stories live. Discover now