Chapter 4: Lies and Revenge

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"Everything staysBut it still changes"


Years later, two royal guards opened the iron-clad doors for the white-haired girl and led her through the somber prison halls. With determined steps, Y/n enters the foreboding edifice, her purpose clear and unwavering. The tension in the visitation room is palpable as Y/n, the twelve-year-old girl, approaches her uncle's cell, flanked by two imposing guards. She holds herself with a poise that belies her age, her demeanor betraying none of the turmoil within her. She hated this man and wanted nothing more than to watch him decay, but she needed to be naive for the plan to work.

As she settled onto the cushion placed before the bars, her gaze met her uncle's, and she couldn't help but notice the warmth in his smile despite the stark surroundings of the prison. It was a smile she remembered from happier times that now seemed inconsistent with the reality of their situation. It couldn't be real.

"Good evening, Uncle," Y/n greeted. Her voice was devoid of its old, youthful lilt and replaced instead by a cold and measured tone, a reflection of the maturity thrust upon her by her royal studies, even if she was not taught by her parents, who had neglected that.

Her uncle returned her greeting with genuine affection, his eyes crinkling at the corners as he observed his niece. "Hello, Y/n. How is your training?" he inquired, attempting to maintain a semblance of normalcy in their conversation.

Y/n's facade softened slightly at the question, a small smile tugging at the corners of her lips. "It is going well; Lilith and Jane are teaching me a lot," she replied, a hint of pride coloring her words. But then, without missing a beat, she dove straight into the heart of the matter, and her mind briefly remembered Harumi's words moments before.

Harumi had shown her a secret room where her uncle used to hold meetings. Despite how close she had gotten to Harumi, Y/n was sure she was plotting something. Although it could just be in her head, she had lost all semblance of trust after the day her uncle was caught. Lilith and Jane have been on the receiving end of this occasionally. Harumi was excited as she tried to solve an age-old mystery. There was a challenge she gave Y/n. "Go ask him."

So here she was. Standing before a man she hates.

"Uncle-how can I prove you are innocent?" she asked, her voice tinged with determination. She was acting; she may need him.

Satoshi's laughter filled the small space, a sound that seemed out of place in the somber atmosphere of the prison. "Always so impatient, my dear niece," he chuckled softly, shaking his head. "But I am afraid I am guilty as charged."

The words hung heavy in the air, shattering Y/n's steadfast belief in her uncle's innocence. Confusion warred with disbelief within her, yet she refused to succumb to the doubts that threatened to overwhelm her resolve. "But Uncle, why-" she began, her voice trembling with emotion. Her heart was racing- trying not over to do it.

Satoshi cut her off with a gentle smile, his eyes holding a wisdom beyond his years. "Perhaps when you are older, dear. For now, let us focus on the present," he said cryptically, his words laden with meaning that only time would reveal.

Then, with a shift in conversation that caught Y/n off guard, her uncle broached a topic that struck at the heart of the discord that had plagued her life in recent years. "I heard you and Harumi haven't been playing nice," he remarked casually, his gaze penetrating. "Do you blame her for me being in jail?"

Despite maintaining composure, a flicker of disbelief crossed her features. She couldn't reconcile the image of her uncle having that information. She hasn't fought with Harumi in two years. She almost missed his question as her thoughts consumed her, a purple field covering the area around her.

Her mind raced with questions, each one clamoring for attention. Why would he admit to being guilty so quickly? What had led him to believe that? And most importantly, what could she trust?

As she struggled to find the right words, her uncle's gentle smile remained, a stark contrast to the weight of the situation. His demeanor perplexed her as if he held some hidden truth beyond her understanding. She hated his smile.

Uncle's question about her relationship with Harumi brought her back to the present moment. Even if it was true, blaming Harumi for her uncle's predicament seemed too simplistic, too convenient. She knew why he was there; she saw him and ransacked his room, and she had enough proof to get him executed.

"No, Uncle," Y/n finally replied, her voice softer now as she attempted to calm herself. "I don't blame Harumi. My dislike towards her... is unrelated to your situation."

She paused, carefully contemplating her words: "But I can't accept that you're guilty without understanding why. There must be more to the story." She played off.

Satoshi's expression softened at her words, a mixture of pride and something akin to regret shimmering in his eyes. "You're more perceptive than you realize, Y/n," he murmured, reaching out to touch her hand through the bars. "There's much I wish I could tell you, but it's not safe... not yet."

She took a calming breath, forcing herself not to react aggressively. "I will visit again, Uncle-and I will bring some tea when I do." She stood up; one of the guards grabbed the cushion after she did.

"Those who rely on manipulation often find themselves trapped in a cycle of deception, unable to break free without causing harm to themselves and others." Satoshi's voice followed after Y/n, who closed her eyes, paused briefly, and continued walking.

Once she returned to the palace, she broke away from the guards to her spot in the garden. She sat and looked up at the sunset. Harumi walked over to her, gracefully sitting down. She seemed to have just returned from one of her 'princess classes,' as she calls it. Y/N could tell as she wore her royal attire.

"You look like a clown," Y/n said, eyes tarring from the sky as she addressed her sister. As she sat down, she replied with an airy chuckle. Harumi sat opposite her, and it was filled with an awkward air as both girls contrasted each other.

"You know I could use a general when I become the empress," Harumi spoke, words cutting through the air like a knife. Y/n rolled her eyes.

"And I could use a ticket for the first flight out of Ninjago," Y/n replied. Harumi was far from being empress, and Y/n didn't care about the thought. Now, she accepted she would never be the empress, but she couldn't get rid of her gut feeling.

"Why must you always fight me?" Harumi asked. "Cuz I burnt your doll? That was years-"

"I have little concern for year-old grudges," Y/n spoke. "I should thank you for that. As I said before, visiting my uncle was a waste of my time."

"You know, with you with me, we could be," Harumi tried.

"Be what?" Y/n's eyes snapped to Harumi. Harumi stopped for a moment; it was easy to see the lingering distrust.

"Be just what ninjago needs to keep people like Satoshi off the streets." She spoke, aiming her words lightly. Seeing Y/n's expression softens, no doubt regretting the distrust she has shown before.

Y/n stood up and waved her words off to keep herself safe. "Don't flatter yourself. Maybe if you learn to stop holding the iron, you wouldn't burn yourself so often." She then disappeared into the palace. Harumi smiled; in a few years, she was sure to have an ally.

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