Chapter 23: You're Like Bluebells

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"Looking in the mirror like

Maybe I will find myself tonight

I ask for a better mind

Then tap into the site through my third eye

I had never realized

I thought I had a chosen my design

I thought I was broken all this time

I don't want love no more

Though it's the one thing I've been searching for

Though it's the one thing that I miss the most

Oh, I'm afraid to be alone"

---------------------------Part 1-------------------------------

After the ninja left, the day passed, and she couldn't find Pithor again—not for any reason, but she avoided Harumi. Soon, they were called into their cells for the night. Harumi had become her cellmate—just her luck. She ignored the girl as she ranted and complained about Lloyd and her plans.

"And worse he turned my sister on me! How could you fall for him-" Harumi yelled.

Y/n, lying on her bed and staring at the ceiling, spoke more to herself than Harumi. "One, he's honest. Two, he's sweet and selfless to a fault. He's cute, confusing, and annoying, and his smile seems to stay in my head."

Harumi paused, her tirade interrupted by Y/n's unexpected admission. She looked up, seeing Y/n's distant, contemplative expression. "He's your ideal prince," Harumi observed, her voice laced with surprise and bitterness.

Y/n tensed, her eyes fixed on a point on the wall. She didn't have a ready reply. The truth was, Harumi was right—Lloyd embodied the traits she had always admired. But the weight of their situation made it difficult to reconcile those feelings. "Yeah... I guess he is." She managed a wistful smile, which quickly faded into a frown. "I'm so stupid."

"Yes, you are. We made a promise to get revenge together—I didn't expect you to fall for the enemy—" Harumi's words were sharp, but they carried a hint of hurt.

Y/n sat up slowly, her voice firm but soft. "No, I promised to always 'care' about you. I do care."

The air in the cell grew heavy with unspoken emotions. Harumi looked at Y/n, her anger simmering down into something more complex. The realization that Y/n's feelings for Lloyd did not diminish her commitment to her sister seemed to resonate. They were both trapped by their circumstances, and the complexities of their battles only added to the strain.

"Well," Harumi said, her voice softer, "I guess we're both in a mess of our own making. But we need to stay focused if we're going to get out of this."

"So give me time; I'll forget your good traits soon enough." Y/n spoke her words sharply and bitterly. "I need to stare at the negative ones more."

Harumi's expression hardened slightly, but she didn't respond immediately. The weight of Y/n's words hung in the air, a stark reminder of their fractured relationship. The tension was palpable, but both knew their grievances couldn't overshadow their larger yet opposite goals.

"Fine," Harumi said, her voice steady despite the underlying tension. "Do what you need to do. Remember, whether you like it or not, we're in this together."

Before Y/n could respond, a commotion erupted outside. A riot, perhaps, though the noise was disorienting and chaotic. Garmadon opened their cell, and while Harumi looked elated, Y/n was confused. Her sister hurried off, leaving Y/n behind. The white-haired girl muttered something, but Y/n's thoughts were in turmoil, her mind struggling to keep pace.

As the cell door was left ajar, Y/n felt disorientation crashing over her. The environment seemed to shift and blur around her, her senses muddled by the strain of her elemental powers. Her head throbbed, an overwhelming cacophony of voices and memories she couldn't quite place.

She pulled at her hair, her breaths coming in ragged gasps as she tried to ground herself. With the sounds of battle and shouts in the distance, she stumbled through the empty halls. The silence around her felt suffocating, and her vision swam as she tripped over broken glass, her hands sliding across the shards.

The sight of the red liquid from her hands only worsened her disorientation. She was aware of the glass fragments embedded in her skin, and the sight of the blood made her heart race. Her mind, already frayed, struggled to keep control.

"Glass..." she murmured to herself, her voice barely audible. Her hands trembled as she picked up the shards, using her powers to melt and mold them into a shape. As she worked, her focus began to sharpen. The flow of her elemental energy provided a momentary clarity amidst the chaos. She forgot how often she'd need to use them before losing her mind, but it seemed to worsen the effects after training with Satoshi.

Soon, she had formed a delicate bluebell from the molten glass. The act of creation helped center her, and the visual focus on the flower steadied her mind. She still felt disoriented, but the bluebell served as an anchor, allowing her to sift through the disarray in her thoughts.

Her weapons were retrieved, but she barely registered how they ended up in her hands or how the forget-me-knot had intertwined with the bluebell. The important thing was that she was armed and moving.

As she emerged into the courtyard, the scene before her was a whirlwind of activity. Harumi was standing with a mixture of defiance and anguish, her gaze locked on Lloyd, who was in a fierce battle with Garmadon. The sight of Lloyd fighting—or was he pleading?—with Garmadon made Y/n's heart race.

Harumi's sharp eyes caught sight of Y/n. "About time, sister. Is this the guy you wanted?" Her voice dripped with mockery, clearly aimed to provoke.

Y/n's hands clenched around her weapons, her anger and frustration simmering beneath the surface. "I'd ask you plans- but I fail to care."

Harumi's eyes flashed with irritation and malice as Y/n drew her swords. The sound of metal sliding from the sheath was sharp and clear, drawing Harumi's attention. With a swift movement, Harumi donned the red mask, its sinister glow highlighting her determined expression.

Y/n's voice cut through the chaos of the courtyard. "What's pathetic is you are too scared to face me on equal grounds. Poor Rumi needs a magic mask to take down her baby sister."

Harumi's lips curled into a sneer. "You think this mask makes me afraid? It just levels the playing field. I'm not here to play fair; I'm here to win."

"Poor Rumi, You're a snake." Y/n spoke; Harumi could see an eerie smile on Y/n's face, and while she had no idea why, Y/n was losing her grip again.

"Why are you smiling?" Harumi demanded, her voice cutting through the din of battle. "Is this some kind of twisted game for you, Rat?"


A/n: Hello, This is a part 1 and 2 and the next chapter is sooo long like almost 3000 words. So yeah had to split it weirdly. Have fun!

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