Chapter 22: Poker with a Side of Chaos

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"I feel worthless

Maybe I should open the drawer

Burn the pages

Write poems with the ash on the floor

Pour the ink, into the sink

And watch it drain from the shore

I don't want love no more

Though it's the one thing I've been searching for

Though it's the one thing that I miss the most

Oh, I'm afraid to be alone"


Y/n sat before Pithor P Chumsworth as they played poker. The small table between them held a modest stack of poker chips, a few discarded cards, and the weight of unspoken tension. She wasn't sure how she felt about the Serpentine. His reputation preceded him, and she had read plenty about their history and the war, but this was the first time she was face-to-face with the infamous Pythor. She was interested in what Pythor said when the SOG was being discussed on the TV.

She studied him carefully, noting the subtle flick of his tail and the way his forked tongue occasionally flicked out, tasting the air. His crimson eyes were unreadable, but there was a glint of something—perhaps amusement, perhaps something more sinister. As he pushed his chips forward, going all in, she couldn't help but wonder: was it confidence or arrogance?

By then, a crowd of other prisoners had gathered; this became the norm in the days following Lloyd's visit. Harumi had even visited the day before, but their meeting wasn't nearly emotionally charged. She has nothing she wants from the backstabber. What she had said is what lingered.

'Thanks for not telling Lloyd about my plans. You genuinely keep your promises.' The girl looked oddly happy and human at that moment. 'I had sent Cole to save you from the fire that day- never thought you'd run back in, but I am glad you are okay. Don't worry, sis- I will get you out soon, just wait for me.'

Y/n hated that after all she did, Harumi dared to act like she didn't go back on her promise. 'Promise me that no matter what- Family is first.'

Pythor's long, lit form coiled slightly as he leaned back, a smug smile on his lips. "Your move, my dear," he hissed, his voice smooth and almost charming. "Do you have the nerve to match me?" His words bring her back to the game.

Y/n's fingers drummed lightly on the table, her gaze never leaving Pythor. Despite her skill in reading people, her argument with Lloyd had left her feeling disoriented. Too much was at stake to lose focus now.

"All in, huh?" Y/n finally spoke, her voice steady. She glanced at her chips, then back at him, a slight smirk tugging at the corner of her mouth. "You're either really sure of yourself or just trying to intimidate me. Which is it?"

Pythor's smile widened, revealing his sharp fangs. "Oh, my dear, a good gambler never reveals his hand too soon. But let's just say...I have a feeling about this one."

Y/n met his gaze, unflinching. She knew she was taking a risk, but something inside her—curiosity, defiance, or a blend of both—urged her to call his bluff. She pushed her chips forward, matching his bet.

"I'm in," she said, her tone challenging. "Let's see what you've got."

Pythor's eyes gleamed with interest as he slowly revealed his cards, laying them down with a flourish. Y/n felt her heart quicken as she glanced at his hand—three of a kind, a substantial hand, but not unbeatable.

Without hesitation, she revealed her hand: a flush. Pythor's smile faltered briefly, but he quickly recovered, letting out a low chuckle.

"Impressive," he hissed, though there was a hint of irritation beneath his polished exterior. "It seems you've got more than just luck on your side."

Y/n leaned back in her chair, allowing herself a small smile of satisfaction. "Maybe. Or maybe you're just too easy to read."

"You learn quick," he said, recalling that she had no idea how to play when she first locked up. It has been almost three weeks since then.

"Now you owe me information-" Her tone changed.

Before she could finish, the sudden clang of the cell doors echoed through the room, cutting her off. The guards marched in, their expressions stern as they ordered all the prisoners back to their cells. The abrupt change in routine only meant one thing—more prisoners were being brought in.

Y/n exchanged a glance with Pythor, who seemed unfazed by the disruption. However, the tension in the air was palpable, and even Pythor's usual smug demeanor was replaced by a subtle wariness.

Her gaze fell on the new prisoners, and her eyes caught Harumi's despondent expression. Confusion and concern filled her as she wondered whether Harumi's plan had failed or if there was more to the situation. Y/n knew her sister well enough to sense when something was amiss.

Y/n sighed and leaned against the wall of her cell, her mind whirling with possibilities. She needed to stay focused and figure out her next move, especially with the new arrivals shaking the status quo. She was sure that Harumi would be scheming, and she was running out of time- her control of her mind seemed fleeting.

"Y/n!" Lloyd called out, his voice carrying over the din. He stopped in front of her cell, his expression a blend of relief and worry. "I'm glad to see you're okay. I didn't know if I'd get another chance to talk to you."

Y/n looked up, her eyes meeting Lloyd's. Her mind was pulled back to the moment. "Of course, you show up now," she muttered. "So, Harumi was the quiet one?" She adds a fake gasp.

Lloyd stepped closer, his expression hardening. "You're really going to throw that back in my face, huh?"

"Well, considering you were so quick to doubt me..." Y/n's voice trailed off as she struggled to maintain her composure. The truth was, she felt as lost and confused as ever. Lloyd's presence, though well-intentioned, only seemed to amplify her fears and frustrations.

Lloyd's gaze softened slightly, his concern evident. "Look, I know things are messed up right now. I just—" He hesitated, searching for the right words.

Y/n cut him off, her voice tired but firm. "Look, you're... sweet. If you really want to help me, there's something you can do. I asked my attendant, Lilith, for help with something. If you could make sure she's okay—oh, and Jane too—that would be a huge relief." She sighed deeply, feeling the weight of exhaustion. "I haven't been able to check on them myself, and now that I'm... well, a bit locked up, it's even harder."

Lloyd nodded, processing the new information. "I'll do what I can to check on them. But—" he hesitated, "why do you think they might be in trouble?"

Y/n looked away, her voice softening. "Lilith isn't doing anything illegal or sinister. She's just picking something up for me. But I worry about her safety, especially with everything going on. And Jane... she's always been a good friend, and I don't want anything to happen to her either."

"You really do care..." Lloyd mumbled to himself.

"Sorry, what?" Y/n blinked, not catching his words. Lloyd looked slightly embarrassed, clearing his throat. "Nothing, just... Thanks for trusting me to check on them."

"Geez—don't make it a big deal." Her cheeks flushed a light pink, and her heart raced. She quickly refocused her thoughts, trying to push aside the fluttering emotions. 'No focus, Y/n. If you get distracted by him, you'll lose sight of your revenge on Harumi. Stay sharp.'

Lloyd gave her a reassuring smile before turning to leave. "I'll do what I can. Hang in there, Y/n."

As the cell door closed behind him, Y/n leaned back against the wall, her mind already racing through the next steps. The urgency to make sure Lilith and Jane were safe mingled with the pressure to continue her mission. "Is it possible to hate someone so much you love them? Stupid Green Ninja."

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