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⚠️🔞 warning! Mentions of killing ( animals ) 🔞⚠️

Y/n pov
I steadily went to the door, still observing my surroundings as if i am a predator would jump out of a corner and attack me. You opened the door wearily as a middle aged man stood behind the white door.

He looked as if he was a servant of this house, well now MY house!

He cleared his voice With a cough and spoke. " Ahh! Mr. L/n i see your awake. Good morning Mr. L/n, and good luck on your new school! We all are wishing you the best of luck " he stated with a closed eyed emotionless face. He was of average hight, black comed back hair with white streaks through it and a butler suit and white towel like thing on his forearm which he bend infront of him.

" Good morning to you Mr...T-Tekuma! " i smiled and zoomed in his name tag on his black suit. "..and thank you! Your wishes mean a lot, " i said with a smile. He nodded and begin to speak once more. " Breakfast is ready, Now i may leave, you may want to get ready soon or the food will get cold" he said as he bowed and left as fast as he was there.

Very amazing speed for mid forty year old, really!

I sat in a black tinted SUV. Gazing out the darken window. Up until then everything was..... Nice.... Everyone was kind, i had a nice meal, it was quite rare for us to eat a decent meal. It was always with some scraps of bread and homemade jam.

Thank god we were living near the forest. If it weren't for the wild berries and fruits i would have died of starvation. Sometimes, i even had to unalive a forest animal or two to get the right amount of protein in my body. It was so gruesome it made my childhood non existent.

Well, its not like i really had one, mom was only there until i was three cause if i was to die she would be arrested, so when i did turn three i had to learn to do everything on my own. May it be, cooking a simple meal, washing my own clothes, learning to read write and eat, copying other people and mother etc.

It was sad really, i never got live a normal childhood or a normal life in my opinion. Its no matter, i died and now i have a feeling that things are change for the better!

I shook my head as the stupor collapsed as soon as the vehicle stopped. "...Mr. L/n, we are here you may get off now..." The driver trailed off. " oh urmm yeah, sorry " it seems to slip right out of my mouth. He nodded and i got out. He reversed and drove away to the bangalow/ mansion.

I was immediately awe struck with the huge building infront of me a few meters away. The school was absolutely massive. And its in tokyo!! Every building in this city was freaking huge but this school is the largest I have seen!

The building was of five stories, and took on a massive land around the school. There was even a field of sakura and a weird purple coloured trees behind the school and particular sakura tree was situated in a little highland behind the schools. The booming sounds of students happily walking around was a sight to see. They were chit chatting among their fellow peers. It was absolutely nerve racking. Enough to arouse my social awkwardness/shyness.

I felt so out of place in this amazingly large school. And with the booming sound of the bell, all student went inside the school probably to get to their assigned classes. " Oh shoot! I have to get to the principles office to get my schedule!! " i panicked and ran into the school.
" ok, got my schedule and first is homeroom and my class is 1-D.... Mrs. Ubuyadhiki was so nice enough to give me a donut too! " i said to my self while munching on the tissue paper rapped donut. Of course being a clean freak i don't want my hands to get with chocolate glaze....

"-so where was it again.... "I sorrowed as i had forgotten the way to my class. I was not paying attention to where i walked and comically slipped on something which was coincidentally placed in the right place for me to send me off sliding , accidentally bumping into a girl. I mean literally i sent her to the floor from the force of me hitting her. I didn't fell opting to grabbing the wall edge just in time to not land on the girl.

I balanced my footing and immediately helped the girl up. " Oh my god, I'm so sorry, are you hurt? " i said as the girl who fell with a little grunt, hesitantly took my hand and helped her self up. " no,its alright " she simply said in a elegant but whispery. Voice.

" if you can, can you show me the way to the class 1-D " i asked a little nervous. She materialised a copper coin out of no where and flipped it, landing on heads. " come with me " she spoke again and started to walk towards what I assume the class. I walked in with a bowed head trying not to bring attention to my weird hair. Some started to whisper about the presumably a guy walking into their class,

I out of embarrassment sat down on an empty seat which was coincidentally the seat next to kanao and stayed like that with pink cheeks.

" Wow, he is so pretty! I couldn't even recognise that he was a guy if it weren't for his uniform! " " same! If he was wearing a gown, he could go for a lady! " " his hair is weird though! But it looks cute on him."

I listened into a ongoing conversation presumably about me, which made my face even redder. Soon chatter stopped with the teacher arriving. We greeted the teacher and he greeted us back. He noticed the new student in his class and suggested i should introduced my self.

I shyly walked up infront of the class and looked up at the gazes of the students who were, anticipating the new kids name. It made me more shy.

" h-hi! I am l/n y/n, I am from ( insert location ). I hope to be friends with you all!. "
I bowed and walked to my seat trying to make my self small as possible.

The homeroom teacher started to teach and i listened to it carefully. Its the new school year but everyone seems to know each other by now. I think its because I am a few days behind and they maybe have known each other since elementary school I guess.

The day went by rather quickly, class after class until the lunch time bell struck.

I walked towards the cafeteria, apparently one of many in this school, with a spring in my step.

I walked in scanning the packed cafeteria. My eyes landed on the familiar butterfly clipped girl sitting down in a close by table

I walked up to them after sighing a pep sigh. Encouraging my self to make some new friends.

" H-hi!..... " I announced gaining the lively tables attention. " May I sit here? " I asked as one of them replied with a nod.

The tables attention was on me making me shy. " So awkward " I thought to my self.

" So what is your name stranger? I noticed you were quite new here, since we haven't seen you around before! " A boy with short burgundy hair and big reddish blackish eyes and hanafuda earings asked with enthusiasm pouring through the sentence.

" I am y/n! L/n y/n! " I introduced my self. " And your correct! This is my first day here! "

" Well, I am kamado Tanjiro and this is my little sister, Nezuko! " The boy said reciprocating the same excitement. The girl next to him smiled and waved hi.

" I am Agatsuma Zenitsu. Nice to meet you y/n! " A yellow straight haired and big golden black eyes replied with a wave.

" HASHIBIRA INOSUKE! it's lord Inosuke to you peasant. " A boy with neck length black hair with dark blue lips and the most majestic emerald green eyes replied with pride.

" Shinasugawa genya.... " A boy with a spiky black mohak and lavender eyes and a scar running from the right of his face said nonchalantly. Making me wonder how he even got it in the first place.

" Tsuyuri kanao...." The girl Infront of me said just above a whisper.

" Well! I really hope we can become friends! " I said with a closed eyed smile.

,Setting foot in to the dangers that lay ahead of me.

Well, hello my dear nightwillows, yes this chap was suppose to be out way before now but laziness is not a good thing no?

I hope you are having a great day or night and as always

Remember to be hydrated and drink plenty of water

Your beloved
~A/n Chan

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