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You walked in to the garden with a spring in your step admiring the beautiful roses that grew there.

The lone sakura tree on top of the distant mountain now being one of your favourite spots to go to.

It had been a over all, good few days loving in this unfamiliar world with the strangest people.

The kamabako squad, as you like to put it has been very welcoming towards you finally being able to make some friends.

It actually took you a week to think about what club I would like to choose

But in the end, you chose what has made you going in your past life.

You decided that, you would work as the assistant of the school nurse, and Mrs. Ubuyashiki and the nurse agreed after a bit of persuasion.

And since the day you found the cherry tree in the mountain like bump on the ground located at the back of the school, Making it your favourite place you like to hang out through out the school.

You went there and visited this peculiar place when you needed some peace, That has increasingly become something of a occasion since getting to know the kamabako squad. Making it a luxury you wouldn't dare to loose.

You sat down at the tree and brought out the small book from your book bag, flipping through pages as you read it slowly.

You slowly got engrossed in a world of romance and action, it being the favourite theme you read.

" Isn't the library there for reading ? " A sudden question was asked by the new presence that you failed to pick up on.

" Oh! Where did you come from...... " You muttered to your self.

" Well, there is no rule that says you can't read outside the library now is there? "

your eyes rode upwards getting to meet with beautiful black-turquoise eyes, as clear as water.

The boy looked to be younger than you are and had long black hair that had a pale turquoise tint in the tips.

He tilted his head side ways confused at the girlish specimen below.

A moment pass in deep silence, and awkward one at that.

Both of their necks were getting sore feeling as if it would fall off right about now.

" You can sit here if you want to?  " You asked rather qusically staring up at the strange boy.

He said nothing as he sat down next to me.

" Usually, this is where I cloud watch but since you came here first, I guess you can do whatever you please....." The boy spilled a few words out of his mouth as a mutter.

" Then, we can both watch clouds!, I don't mind if you do and there is no name here saying they own it either......." You smiled at the boy who stared at me unreadably, sitting next to you.

You both adjusted our sitting positions so we can watch the sky which hung above us.

You pointed at the shapes that were made by clouds, naming them as you go.

" Look! There is a peach shaped cloud!" You said pointing your index finger to the sky excitedly.

" No, it just looks like a huge butt in the sky. Not a peach " the unnamed boy said nonchalantly.

" Your not seeing it from my angle and perspective, so I say it's a peach"

you said turning your head to the side to look at the boy who was also looking at me, which caught you off guard.

✦☆𝕄𝕪 𝕕𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕞.... 𝕄𝕪 𝕟𝕚𝕘𝕙𝕥𝕞𝕒𝕣𝕖~✦☆Where stories live. Discover now