Chapter 23

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Taylor's Pov

Its been 3 weeks since Maddie...well you know.

Ive been in my room ever since the funeral I've only left to go to the bathroom. But thats attached to my room.

I feel like every one only cares about Maddie because she's gone. I mean no one cared to do anything when she was alive.

"Hey Taylor how you doing?" Carter said knocking on my door. "Im fine." i said putting the pillow over my head.

"Dude you have to get up sooner or latter." Carter said opening the blinds. "I pick latter. now go away." I throw a pillow at him.

"We have class tomorrow and your going to need to get up. We already missed about a month we cant miss any more." "I don't care." I said pulling the blanket over my head.

"Your going to care when you get kicked out of the school." Carter said. I just tried to ignore him until he went away.

"Taylor get out of bed now." "You sound like my mother." "Get up now I'm warning you." i sat up fast.

"Why aren't you sad about this? why are you so happy? why is everyone so happy? shouldn't we all be sad? i mean come on its only been three weeks since she died and you seem to be supper happy." I yelled.

"Taylor its just. Think of it like this would Maddie want you to be sad about this. She would want us to be happy. Her pain is over." Carter tried to explain. "Whatever." I pulled the blankets over my head.

"Okay fine. Think of it like this if your going to sit in your room the rest of dam your life and not do a dam thing what do you think Maddie would have told you? Don't you think she would tel you to get your ass up and stop blaming your self." Carter walked out of the room.

"Oh and Matt, Riley, and Shawn are coming over latter." Carter yelled. I yelled back "I don't care."

Its been about three hours and i still yet to leave my bed. I heard Matt and them come into the house about a half hour ago but i just left it alone.

I had my Tv on and watching Some random show when i heard my door open. I looked over and saw Riley. She looked a lot like Maddie. They had the same eyes and same hair.

"Taylor?" she said sounding very innocent. "What?" i asked. She backed away a bit at the harshness in my voice. "Sorry." I said nicely.

"Do you know my sister?" she asked showing me a pitcher of Madison. "Yes i do know your sister." I said sitting up.

"Can you tell me about her?" she asked climbing onto my bed. "What do you want to know?" i asked leaning agents the wall. "i don't know?" i smiled.

"Well want me to tell her her favorite animal in the whole world was?" Her eyes lit up. She nodded her head. "It was a butterfly."

"Why?" she asked. I told her what Maddie told me one day. "Because they are put throw a bunch of hard work to become beautiful." She smiled. "I like butterfly's too."she said softly i smiled.

"So what else do you want to know about your sister?" i asked. "Nothing." i looked at her confused. "Why don't you want to know anything?" I asked. "We're saving that." she said getting off my bed and running out of my room.

Let me just said after talking to that little girl for only about five minuets she gave me a little bit of Hope.

Now its over. That was it. Thats the end. Wow every time i ended a story its really sad. This one is the second saddest ending i ever wrote. But the second book might be coming out soon and there might be a reason i bolded hope. Stay tuned.

Words (MAGCON FANFIC) ~Editing~Where stories live. Discover now