Chapter 4

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After Lunch i had a free class with Taylor. We were walking out side around the school, Just talking about random things when a kid started yelling at Taylor.

"Take off the bandanna Fag!"
I looked over and the the guy was tall with black hair that swooped accord his face. He had a varsity jacket on.

I looked back at Taylor and he was lifting his arms up to take the bandanna off.

I grabbed his arm to stop him. He just looked at me, confused.

"Keep the bandanna on. It looks good on you." I said smiling. He nodded smiling .

We sat on a grass hill looking over the football filed and talked. I got a text on my phone from an unknown number. "Turn around." My heart stopped as I slowly turned my head.

I saw the last two people i ever wanted to see. Jake a Gabby. They were talking and holding hands.

"Oh my god, hey Maddie." Gabby yelled while waving her hand in the air. Than she walked over to me and Taylor, dragging Jake over.

"Oh my god. Maddie you have not changed a bit. You still look as fat and ugly." She said while giggling grabbing onto Jakes hand.

"I guess since your still here, suicide hasn't worked yet." Jake said with a smirk. I turned to Taylor and he looked confuse at what was going on. "Who this? This your boy toy for the week?" Gabby asked.

I could fell puddle of tears forming in my eyes. I picked up my bag and stood up, storming away.

"Aww going to try to kill yourself again?" i heard Gaby ask as I walked away. I heard some one running behind me.

"Madison wait up." Taylor yelled running up beside me. "What Taylor?" I asked wiping a tear from my eye.

"Whats wrong why are you crying?"
He asked grabbing my arm stopping me. "You probably think I'm a huge dork now?" I said whipping my eyes.

"No, Maddie your not a dork. Everyone cries. Who where those jerks anyways?" He asked "uh just some kids from my old school. Their no one." I said shaking my head.


The last bell rang and I pulled my bag over my shoulder and walked outside. I walked outside the front doors and saw Taylor with his headphones in.

I walked over to him. "Hey Taylor." I said making him jump a bit. "Uh..Hey Maddie." He said pulling his headphone out.

"Want to come to my place today?" i asked him. His smile grew big. "I would love to." "Great." We walked down the rode my penny board by my side.

When we got to our house, we walked in and i saw every one i meet to day. Even Cameron was there.

"Hey Maddie, want to hang out?" Carter said. "no thanks Carter. Maybe latter." I said walking into the kitchen with Taylor behind me.

"Want anything to eat?" i asked Taylor as he walked into the kitchen. I grabbed a water bottle from the fridge.

"No thanks." He said. We walked up stairs to my room. "Nice room." He said as we walked in. "Thanks" I smile. "Want to listen to some music?" i asked. He nodded his head and sat at my desk.

I grabbed my laptop and put on pandora. Me and Taylor sat listening to the new Drake song that came on.

Taylor's face light up he started to dance and sing along. I just laughed watching him rap.

After the song was over and he was done dancing, we laid on my floor. We were silent for a few seconds. "So Taylor who do you live with?" I asked trying to start a conversation. He didn't answer. "Taylor?" "if i tell you you will hate me." He said kinda shaky. "Taylor come on you my new best friend i could never hate you." I said sitting.

He put his hans over his face. "Jake." He than peeked though his fingers up at me. I smiled shaking my head.

"Taylor why on earth, would that make me hate you?" i asked. He just shrugged his shoulders. "But, i hate living with him. He's always yelling at me to leave because that girls always over." He said sitting up a bit. I nodded understanding what he was saying.

"So anyways. What's your favorite color?" I asked resting my head on my hand. He tilted his head and looked at me confused. "What. If we're going to best friends we gotta know the deep stuff." He chuckled. "Blue. What about yours?" "Black." I smiled. "Wow kinda dark don't you think?" He asked.

After talking for a little bit he asked me something that I knew he was wondering. "Is what Jake said true? did you try to kill yourself before?"

I just sat up and put my face in my hands and nodded my head. He sat up next to me and pulled me into hug.

I started to cry on his shoulder. He hugged me tighter while i cried into his chest.

"Hey if  you ever need anything, ever. I'll be here." He said rubbing my back. I just nodded my head. Lying on his chest.

After a while i changed into sweats and me and Taylor were just sitting on my bed talking. "Hey want to watch a movie?" I asked. He nodded as I grabbed my laptop and pulled up Netflix.

"Whatcha want to watch?" i asked. "How about lion king?" he suggested. I clicked on the lion king movie and hit play and we watched it.

After a couple more movies I got tired and tried fighting the sleepiness. In the middle of Hercules I couldn't fight the tiredness. My eyes fluttered shut an they stayed closed. But just before you drifted off to sleep I heard Taylor getting up from the bed and whispered something, but I couldn't hear.


I woke up and Taylor was gone. Probably went home. I took a shower quick shower and got dressed. I went down stairs and saw all the boys from yesterday and a guy i never saw before on the floor all around the living sleeping.

I just laughed because of how they were sleeping. I stepped over Nash cuddling a pillow. I pulled out my phone and put the volume up all the way, I opened YouTube and pulled up a video of a marching band.

The music was really loud and There A series of moans, the kid i never saw before sat up from the couch and asked "who's the chick?" I feel offended.

"Thats Madison. Madison thats Aaron." A very sleep Carter said still on the coach with his eyes closed, his head in the pillow.

"You guys have to get up you have 20 minuets before you have to get to school." I said stepping over the Jacks trying to get to the door.

I grabbed my bored and rode to school. When i got to school i went to my locker and grabbed my stuff for my classes I put them in my bag and threw it over my shoulder. I went to home room and sat down a t my desk.

My he bell rang and everyone got to there seats. Jack and Jack walked in late. They were still a bit tired. They sat at their desks and put their heads down.

I just sat there and drew in my note book.

After home room i went to math. I saw Taylor siting alone with his hood up.

"Hey." I said sitting next to him. He turned his head from me his head from me. "Taylor?" he turned his head and looked at me.

My mouth dropped. "Who the hell did that to you?" I asked pissed off. "Its nothing Maddie." Taylor said."the hell its nothing. Who gave you a black eye?"

He put his head back on the table. He wasn't waring a bandanna either.

"Taylor?" "just leave me alone." He said.

The whole class he just had his head down. After Math he immediately ran out of the class.

I English and history went by in a flash. In history we had a huge project to do.

"Okay class for the next mounth you will be doing a project with the kid at your table. The project is going to be about a huge point in history. You may get started"

And with that he left us to work on our project. The boy next to me turned and said "Hi I'm Shawn." I smiled. "Madison." "It sucks second day of school and we have a project." I nodded my head.

This should be fun.

Thanks for reading.

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