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Liked by to_eunbi , Sakuflower and 976,123 others

Just finished music bank did anyone watch me

New show coming soon???

View all 26,012 comments

Iloveminju- Your so pretty. imagine being Minju

for_yenyul- I watched you angel

Sakuflower- @Minjuangel Marry me please

Minjuangel- ^ Sakura get a life please unnie😘

Chaewonismywife- I just gay panicked

to_eunbi- You should let me come over angel! you look gorgeous

Minjuangel- ^ Come over now i'm not doing anything

to_eunbi- ^ coming✨

4_myminju- So pretty

IZis*one- Minju telling kkura to get a life is hilarious

I2yuri- @Minjuangel @to_eunbi IM COMING

Sakuflower- Im coming tooo

kpopisgay- wow

Firefly4smth- Them having a full conversation in the comments is so real


This is my first book so bear with me....✨😘

I am going to double publish today but idek about other times...

Also minju is an actress and chaewon is a singer.

Anyways hope you enjoy luv u

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