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Chaewon sat on her couch getting nervous. She almost thought about chickening. But as she was about to cancel, she heard a ring at her door. Oh, damn it minju. Chaewon opened the door and saw Minju. She was in sweatpants and a black tank top. Her hair was in a messy bun, and she was bare faced. She looked stunning. "Hi chaewon!" Minju smiled sweetly "Hi angel yeah come in." The two walked to chaewons room and sat down on her bed. 

"Chae why did you want me to come over?" Chaewon froze her dumbass didn't think that Minju would ask this. Luckly chaewon was very good at lame excuses. "Umm I need to tell you something, but I think we should watch a movie first." Minju nodded. "What movie should we watch?" Chaewon asked scrolling through Netflix. "How about 20th century girl?" Chaewon smiled. Thats her favorite movie. How did minju know that? well you'll never know

"Yeah, I love that movie." Chaewon started the movie and laid back on her bed. Thirty minutes into the movie chaewon noticed she really wasn't watching the movie but staring at Minju. "No don't leave her." Minju yelled at the tv. "Wait what?" Minju looked down at chaewon and smiled.  "Were you even watching the movie?" Chaewon shook her head. At least the poor girl was being honest

Minju laughed. Damn her laugh is pretty. "Chaewon I want to know what you wanted to tell me." Chaewon quickly got nervous, and she wished she had backed out. "Oh yeah uh." Chaewon took a deep breath and said the words. "Minju your very pretty, Kind, smart and I love it when you get all flustered over me calling you angel." "You laugh is music to my ears and I love hanging out with you, with that I think I like you." Chaewon finally looked up at minju and boy was the girl red.

Minju didn't say anything and it scared chaewon to death. She wanted to disappear from that couch. "I'm sorry if I-" Suddenly minju kissed her. Minju's lips were soft, and it made chaewon even more eager to keep the kiss going but minju disconnected the two. "Chaewon I like you too. I have liked you for the longest time." Chaewon smiled and kissed minju again but it went deeper than last time. 

Chaewon disconnected the kiss and pulled minju down next to her. Minju wrapped her arms around chaewons waist. The soft touch made chaewon flinch. She hadn't been touched like that since she had been assaulted. Minju seemed to sense that and softened the touch but chaewon pulled her closer. Minju and chaewon fell asleep like that

Kim Minju you drive me insane


This chapter is so cute. Anyways I got my senior year classes and Im mad bro my friends aren't in any of my classes. Also, yall can comment if you want too just nothing negative

Ily angels

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