Chapter Three

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I sighed with relief as I glanced around at my familiar surroundings before returning my attention to Red. 'So how exactly do I change back? And is it going to hurt like it did earlier?' I asked Red with worry.

'No it will not feel like that. Only the first shift is very painful because your body has never experienced anything like it before. The next few times you shift you will be a bit sore, but the more you practice the easier and faster it gets,' she explained and I relaxed a bit. 'And to change back, you just need to close your eyes and picture your human form and concentrate on changing yourself back.'

I closed my eyes and pictured myself as clearly as I could and after a few minutes the strange sounds started but there was nowhere near as much pain as before which helped me relax and complete the shift back easily. When it was over I slowly stood and stretched before deciding to take a hot shower to try and combat the soreness of my muscles.

Thirty minutes later I felt like a brand new person as I stepped out and dried off, wrapping myself in my black silk robe before I towel-dried my hair a bit and then headed back into my room. I pulled on a black cotton underwear set, noticing that both the top and bottom seemed almost too small for my newfound curves. I then pulled on a pair of black leggings and a light grey tee shirt before stepping back into my bathroom.

I dried my hair, which smelled of my favorite vanilla and honey shampoo and conditioner, and it naturally fell into soft waves as the bright beauty lights made it shine. When it was fully dry I decided to twist it back into a long fishtail braid and smiled when it actually looked nice for once.

I went to apply some light makeup as usual but suddenly noticed I didn't need it anymore; my face that was usually prone to small breakouts was smooth and completely blemish-free with no dark circles or bags under my eyes. My dark lashes seemed thicker and longer and my heart-shaped lips seemed to be fuller with more natural color to them.

I only applied a bit of lip balm before going into my room and slipping on black socks and my dark grey and black running shoes. I could clearly hear my mother downstairs making breakfast while my father quietly read the newspaper at the table and it was strange but cool. Suddenly the doorbell rang, crashing through my newly sensitive ears and making me wince sharply.

I heard my father make his way to the door and I started to exit my room but paused at the sound of an unfamiliar voice. "Hello Mr. Williams. Sorry to disturb you but we were just wondering if Alexandra was home?" a man asked and I paused at the sound of my name, curious.

"May I ask what your business with her is?" my father inquired politely but sharply and I heard the other man shift his weight restlessly. "We are recruiters from a prestigious private school in the area and our school has taken an interest in her." the man stated and I felt the hairs on the back of my neck raise.

'He is lying.' Red suddenly stated, coming to the forefront of my mind and listening as intently as I was. "I have never heard of such a school. I would appreciate it if you would come at another time, my family and I would like to enjoy our breakfast." my dad spoke sternly and began to close the door.

A sharp sound meant obviously the man had stopped the door from closing. "Please sir, it is a limited time type of offer. There are only so many scholarships to go around." the man tried to charm my father but he was having none of it.

The wind had drifted up the staircase and down the hall and the strange metallic scent made my nose wrinkle with distaste while my instincts were practically screaming.

'We need to leave. Now!' Red suddenly exclaimed, seizing control of my body and whirling me back into my room while quietly closing and locking the door. 'Wait what?! What do you mean leave?!' I exclaimed and fought her for control. 'Those two men outside are hunters Alexandra! We have to go or they will kill us! Do you understand?' she exclaimed and I froze in fear. 'Hunters?'

'Yes, hunters. I have no idea how they found you, but we have to go. Get a small bag, pack two or three extra outfits into it and we have to leave, right now.'

'But what about my parents?'

'They are human, the hunters won't harm them as long as they do not get in the way, I promise. But if they find us, we are dead and if your parents try to stop them they will be hurt. So please hurry.'

I rushed into my closet and picked up a large black drawstring bag that was similar to a backpack. I quickly shoved three outfits similar to the one I currently had on into the bag along with a hairbrush, hair ties, and my other pair of running shoes. At the same time I kept my ears focused on my dad and the two men downstairs and let Red keep up with their continued conversation.

Grabbing a piece of paper and pen, I quickly wrote a note to my parents: 'Dear Mom and Dad, I'm sorry I had to leave without saying goodbye. I can't explain what is going on, but I want you both to know I love you both so much and I couldn't have asked for better parents. Love always, Alex' I signed it with a heart and a few tears splashed on the paper before I hurried and placed it on my bed.

'Red, should I leave in this form or should I shift back into the cougar?' I asked worriedly. 'Cougar will be faster. Do it now, the men will probably try to surround the house.' she rushed me. I stripped out of everything I had put on earlier and shoved it all into the bag as well before I closed my eyes, feeling the change wash over me rapidly.

"Alex? Breakfast is ready honey!" my mother suddenly called while knocking on the door. I froze completely as she tried the knob and called for me again, steadily becoming more worried and insistent. After a few moments she called for my father and he was suddenly there too, doing his best to force the door open.

I felt myself slowly stumbling backwards to my balcony when Red spoke again. 'Alexandra we have to go! NOW!'  Red yelled inside my mind, snapping me out of my fear. I snatched the bag containing my clothes with my mouth and hurried out of my still-open balcony door, leaping on to the stone railing and glancing at my surroundings. 'Wait.'

I paused at Red's request and we listened intently for any signs of any other hunters besides the two beginning to leave the front door. "Go around the side and I will head to the trees. She will have to come out eventually." I heard one man whisper to the other as they walked away from the front door.

My door suddenly burst open and I whirled to look, still balanced on the railing. My parents both froze as we locked eyes, tears quickly beginning to fall from mine. I tried to convey all the love and sadness inside of me with that one glance and my mother quickly began to cry as my father held her back from coming to me.

"Ally?" she whispered and I gave a small sound of distress, lifting a paw to go back towards them. 'Alexandra, jump now before they come around the house!' Red urged me and I froze again, squeezing my eyes shut tightly and then turning and leaping for the ground.

I landed with only a soft thump and immediately sprinted into the cover of the trees, having to fight against going back as I faintly heard my mother's heartbroken scream and sobbing as they likely found my note.

'I am so sorry Alexandra. I thought you would have more time.' Red whispered as she felt my intense sorrow. 'Call me Alex please. And it's not your fault those hunters showed up, don't worry.' I replied softly, trying to push away the tears as I continued to run through the forest.


A/N: Hope you are enjoying the story so far!

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