Chapter 2: A broken Heart

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Lameehas POV

"Lameeha, come sit with us for a while, it's been so long since we got together." Aunty Sofia said, leaving me with no choice but to sit with everybody else. I normally hate doing the dishes, but I'd prefer that than having to sit in the same room as him any day. I smile politely at everybody as I enter the living room, seating myself next to my Ammi.

"Zaheer, I heard that you've just completed your Hifz Mashallah, when is the Jalsah?" asked my Abba. My Abba is a very unique person. There's not just one word to describe him. His sweet and means well but sometimes can be a bit strict and overboard. " In Sha Allah on the last Friday of Ramadhaan, and then iftar time we'll host a big iftar party. It would be really nice if you'll could join us."  "Of course, it would be our pleasure." My Ammi said, giving the biggest smile I'd ever seen. 

As they continued talking, I couldn't stop thinking about that one night, six months ago, that had changed my life forever. The night where I saw him, for the first time in forever. I couldn't see his face, so I wasn't really seeing him. It was just his presence that was enough to overtake my heart, in only a few seconds. Ever since that night, my life was different. I no more had small crushes on boys, no matter how good looking they were. No one's Quraan recitation had melted my heart as his did. We knew each other since preschool, and I never liked him, but that night had changed me in unexpl- 

" Lameeha? Are you okay?" I looked up to see everyone staring at me, I guess I didn't realize how focused I was on my flashback. " Jee I'm okay, I just need a glass of water, my throat is dry. " " If you say so." Answers my Ammi. As I stand up to leave, I notice Zaheer looking at his phone, a bit stressed. I ignore it, and I fetch myself a glass. Filling the water, I sense I'm not alone. I don't turn around because it's probably my brother, waiting to make fun of me for only Allah knows what. 

" Is it not a bit rude to ignore a guest's presence? " Oh no no noooooo. Why is my life like this. " I didn't know it was you..." I reply quietly, turning to face the man with the biggest smirk to ever exist, spread across his face. ' I know I don't know you that well, but I've known you since we were kids, and that look on your face tells me something is wrong. So, if you're not going to tell your parents, at least tell me." this time he spoke with concern in his voice, slightly blushing and a lowered gaze. And here I was thinking he couldn't get any better. He just got better.

I stood there, trying not to look into his gorgeous brown eyes. I needed to answer his question, but the words just couldn't leave my mouth. My cheeks were red, my eyes, almost completely ready to burst out in tears. How do I tell him the reason for my pain, is him? " I'm okay, don't worry." Thats all I managed to say. " Don't lie to me, your eyes are watering. I heard the rumors, is it true? Do you like me?" No, I don't like you, I love you. Those are the words that I wanted to scream out, that I needed to scream out. But before I knew it, I walked out of the kitchen, with an empty glass and a shattered heart, tears streaming down my face. I ran to my room, debating if i should go back or not. I think I should just stay here for a while.


 "So, the love of your life asks you to open up, AND YOU RAN AWAY!?!" screams Layaana. She is kind of right, but I didn't know what else to do, I panick when I'm under pressure." Well, technically yes, but in my defense its painful seeing him." "That doesn't mean you RUN from someone who's trying to HELP YOU! Anyways, what happened after that?" " Well, I stayed in my room for about 15 minutes, then I went back to the lounge. He was sitting there, stuck to his phone again. My parents asked where I was, I told them I needed the bathroom, and they left it that." 

"So, he just pretended like nothing happened, wowww. What time did they leave though?" "Around 9, but it was drop dead awkward after they left, so I just decided to go to bed after cleaning up everything." "I know I probably sound crazy, but I think you'll parents have some interesting plans for the future, and last night was just the beginning of the romance story!" she said, with a smug look on her face. "Even your delusions have delusions." 

" I'm not the one madly in love with a boy for over 6 months now. Your a simp,you know that?" And with that we both burst out laughing. "I think we should go out for ice cream this afternoon, you in?" She asks. "Yessss,who says no to ice cream!?" " Okay don't freak out,but it's 10 past 1...meaning we're 10 minutes late for class,but I mean for once you needed to be late. Following rules all the time is not healthy." "WHAT!?! LETS GO, NOW!!!" I start running as fast as I can. I HATE being late. Layaana runs after me,and eventually we reach the classroom,breathing heavy. Layaana knocks on the door and we walk in.

"And where exactly have you two been?" Asks Miss Rose. She's a very sweet teacher, but she doesn't like late comers. "We're SO sorry miss, we were on the other side of campus,and we lost track of time.We promise it won't happen again." Says Layaana, while I watch the other girls snickering at the entertainment. "Fine,but if you two are late again, it's detention the whole week. Take your seats." "Thank you miss." I say as we walk to our seats. Miss Rose continues explaining Algebra, but I doodle in my notebook as she talks. It's just the basics,nothing new.

A knock on the door interrupts the lesson. "Come in!" Says Miss Rose,looking frustrated. "Sorry to disturb Rosy, but Lameeha has to go home. Apparently a family emergency." Says the secretary as she enters the classroom. Great, two disturbances in one day,both because of me. The secretary turns to me. "Get all your things sweetie, there's a someone in the parking lot waiting for you."


• ياما مرتني عيون وما سهيت الا بعيو نك
"I have passed by many eyes,but I only got lost in yours."

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