Chapter 3: A Captain's proposal

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Foxy paced nervously in his Pirate Cove, thinking about a very special decision he wanted to make but was very nervous to do so. Just then, someone called from outside the cove.
"Foxy buddy? Are you in here?" This caught Foxy's attention. He rushed over to the curtains, opened them, and without any warning, pulled Bonnie in the cove. Foxy looked at the curtains and shut them, making sure no one else entered. Bonnie took a gander at Foxy and frowned.
"What was that for? I was just calling for pizza..." He grumbled. Foxy walked over to Bonnie and grabbed him by the collar.
"No. Ye don't understand. This is very important and I need yer help, please." Bonnie raised an eyebrow, well, if he had any, but you could still see the suspicion in his face.
"Okay... but what can I help you with...?" Bonnie asked cautiously. Foxy let Bonnie go and stood up straight. He took a deep breath and looked at Bonnie seriously.
"I want to propose to Mangle." He firmly stated. Bonnie looked at Foxy then just laughed.
"That's hilarious, dude!" He roared with laughter. Foxy then stared at Bonnie and with the same serious expression, he walked over to a small treasure chest inside the cove. He then proceeded to take out all sorts of pirate crap from over the years and carelessly toss it on the floor, obviously seeing whatever Foxy was trying to find must've been important. Finally Foxy pulled out an even smaller treasure chest and shoved it in front of Bonnie, opening it.
Inside was a 24-carrot diamond ring with gold linings and a silver edge. Bonnie then stopped laughing and his eyes widened at the beautiful ring. He looked at Foxy.
"Holy shit, you weren't kidding..." He said, breath taken. Foxy closed the chest and sat down with a sigh.
"I really do want to propose me love fer t'is gorgeous lass, but alas, I don't know how..." He then grieved one more time. Bonnie then knew to take Foxy serious, seeing he'd never go this far for anything and that he really did love Mangle a lot. Bonnie then huffed and looked at Foxy.
"Is there anything I can do for you?" He asked. Foxy's eyes lit up and he looked at Bonnie.
"Nothin' much. I just need help boostin' me confidence. Ye see, I never have problems like these but this one... this one is a huge commitment. I've already done tons of research on t'is in books and such... I've also seen couples and other people who love each other do t'is too. I guess it resembles true love." Foxy said, then taking out tons of books and slamming them in front of Bonnie.
"Well uh... having a marriage can't be that hard..." He said, taking up one of the books.
"Well, yeah, I see where yer comin' from but, it be t' decorations, and cake, and t' worst, t' engagement." He said in a more dramatic tone. Bonnie snickered.
"Naw... the only fear is that she rejects you, then breaks up with you and says you and her can only be friends and she finds a new mate and then you're now alone and cold and dry and your life is FUCKING TERRIBLE!!!" Bonnie then took a deep breath and looked At Foxy, who now has zilch confidence to propose his marriage for Mangle. Foxy then got up and started to walk out of the cove. Bonnie got up and started to follow him.
"Where're you going?" He asked.
"Fuck this shit I'm out!" Foxy exclaimed, not even thinking about turning back. Bonnie smiled.
"Oh come on, Foxy! You know I was just teasin' with ya!" He said. Foxy then turned to Bonnie and just gave him a cold, dead, stare.
"Yes really! Look Foxy, why do you love Mangle?" Foxy looked at Bonnie, then peeked out of the purple curtains. He then looked back and Bonnie, folded his arms and blushed.
"Well... because, she be a sweet vixen in me heart, and I want t' do this t' show how much I really love her." He said. Bonnie smiled.
"Then there ya go! Now go out there and make me, no, her proud!" He cheered. Foxy then grinned and took the ring with his newfound confidence and walked out of the cove. Mangle was in the dining area, talking to Chica at a separate table near the stage. Foxy then spotted her and proceeded to walk over to her. He walked over and tapped her on the shoulder. Mangle turned in his direction and smiled.
"Oh hi Foxy! How are you doing?" She asked sweetly.
"Very good...." He said, looking back at the curtains to see Bonnie giving him a thumbs up. Foxy turned back at Mangle and stood her up out of her chair. He then got down on one knee, took out the treasure box, and looked into her eyes.
Ye know t'at I love ye, so very much, and ye love me, so very much. I would be t' happiest Captain in t' whole world if ye would spend t' rest of yer life with me." Foxy said, sincerity soothing his voice. Chica watched in awe, knowing exactly what Foxy was going to do. She smiled and watched as Foxy opened the treasure box to reveal a beautiful diamond ring, perfectly fit for a queen like Mangle. Mangle looked at the ring, then Foxy, and started to cry. Foxy's smile disappeared.
"Don't ye like it...?" He asked. Mangle shook her head.
"No, Foxy. I love it. A-and I'd be honored to spend the rest of my eternal life with you, no matter what the cost." She smiled, covering her mouth and tears of joy coming down her cheeks. Foxy then smiled with glee and stood up, hugging Mangle and enjoying knowing that they will finally be together forever.

Foxy & Mangle: The Adventure Begins, A Forever, 'till the end of time sequelWhere stories live. Discover now