Chapter 17: Match making

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Freddy sat in his office, stacking up papers and doing business work. He had a cigar in his mouth and his suit jacket off. Someone knocked at the door. It was Rocky. She was standing in the doorway with a bland expression.
"Here are your papers sir." She said. Freddy looked up at Rocky and glanced at her. He looked at her brown hair and noticeably her blue shirt, great overalls, and blue sneakers with white socks. Ever since Freddy found out about Rocky's existence and her rivalry with Candy, he thought it would be a great idea to make her somewhat of an "assistant". She was great help for a big teddy bear like ol' Mister Fazbear.
"Good evening Rockelle." He stated.
"Come have a seat, please, enjoy yourself. You're at Freddy Fazbear's pizzeria. A place for-" He was cut off by Rocky.
"I know, I know! I'm not stupid. You practically- er- your friend killed me out of spite. You basically murdered me!" She huffed angrily.
"Relax my dear, you should not be worried. Don't worry, Foxy probably did not mean to kill you, it was an accident." Her blood boiled at the sound of this.
"Accident?! What do you mean accident?! You knowing darn well that you wanted to kill me because I'm a "rule breaker". Yeah right, I was no rule breaker, you just like killing people for fun, and it isn't right." Freddy was silent for a bit. He looked at Rocky, almost like a death glare.
"Look. I didn't want to be killed either. I was a happy-go-lucky kid until that... that purple fiend showed up. He killed us all, I swear. We've been rotting souls in the suits for a long time. I didn't get to live my life as a kid, Foxy didn't get to live his life as a kid, Bonnie didn't get to live his life as a kid, and neither did Chica. When we met the toys, I hated them, I still hate that little shit we call "Toy Freddy". Ever since 1987, my pizzeria has been ruined. I wish... That it was like the old days. In the old days, it was just Bonnie, Foxy, Chica, and me. No one else. No hunk of junk toys, no murders, no bites, just us. It was really great in the olden days. But alas, everything comes to an end." He then picked up the papers and started to sign them. She huffed and crosses her arms. He looked up at her once more.
"Come on, don't be upset. Pretty girls like you shouldn't be upset." Rocky looked at him and blushed a bit. She then pouted again and turned to the door. Right before heading out, she opened the door and stopped.
"You too, Mister Fazbear. Have a nice evening." She closed the door, leaving him there alone, in the dark, like always.

Outside of the door stood the over excited Bonbon and Chickadee, listening to the whole conversation.
"Soooooo... isn't he interesting?" Asked Chickadee. This startled Rocky. She spun around quickly and looked at them.
"What?" She asked. The two mischievous Toys smirked and looked at her.
"I herd eu liek Fatbear~" Bonbon cooed. Rocky huffed.
"No I do not like Freddy. He's very sweet but, he's just not my type." She turned on her heals and started to walk away. Bonbon and Chickadee looked at each other then ran over to her.
"Hey! Come back!" Chickadee yelled. Rocky stopped and turned to them.
"What." She said.
"I think you and Freddy would be a great couple! I mean come on, you both have brown hair, you both have blue eyes, and uh... you both like killing people...?" Chickadee nervously chuckled. Bonbon shrugged.
"Look, all we're saying is that Freddy is a lonely bear-man-person and he needs someone to... ya know..." Bonbon blushed.
" have sCELEBRATIONS with him!" He said, biting his lip. Chickadee looked at him.
"But that's not the point, we're just saying that maybe Freddy would like a little friend, that's all." Rocky frowned and looked at them. She sighed.
"Fine, I'll give it a try." The two Toys grinned from ear to ear and took her hand.
"Where are you taking me-" Rocky questioned.
"We are going to fix you up!" Bonbon explained, taking her to the back room. Rocky looked at them and raised an eyebrow.
"Oh brother..."

"Come on, Rocky! Come on out!" Rocky trudged herself out of the room and into the one that Bonbon and Chickadee were in. She was wearing a short dress with tons of make up and blush, and really high heals with pink socks. Rocky did not like this.
"I don't like this. I look like Candy bought coccain then used it all. Then she worked at a strip club. And got no pay. So now she's broke. I hate this." Chickadee rolled her eyes and smiled.
"Oh Rocky..." Bonbon took her hand.
"Come on! We have a Fatbear in waiting!" Bonbon exclaimed, leading her to the way to Freddy's office. Bonbon politely knocked on the door, only for someone to say, "Come in". They opened the door and saw Freddy at his desk, doing more paperwork like always.
"Oh Freddy...~" Chickadee cooed. "There's someone here to see you..." Freddy looked up from his paperwork and looked at them.
"Can I help y-" He didn't even finish his sentence. He stared at Rocky as a  blush crept up his face.
"Miss Rocky... your outfit...?" He questioned. Rocky huffed and rolled her eyes.
"Well it's not my fault, the two dufuses made me do it." Freddy looked at her, almost as if behind her.
"The last time I remembered, I could've swore /air/ is not a dufus, more the less a person." Rocky looked behind her, only to see that Bonbon and Chickadee had exited scene. Rocky scoffed and crossed her arms.
"R00d." She said. "Are they trying to get me in trouble?" She said out of distress. Freddy looked at her and slouched in his chair a bit.
"Who's trying to get you in trouble? I think you're a great employee." He said, lighting a fresh cigar. "Sit." Rocky sat down in front of Freddy in one of the uncomfortable chairs as he started to slowly spin his around.
"So... why do you think you're in trouble? Did you do something I don't know about? Or...?" He asked, stopping his chair. Rocky took off her high heals and slouched in her chair. She huffed and looked up at the ceiling.
"Well, Bonbon and Chickadee think we should be a couple or we should hang out more or something. I know you're busy and that's okay..." Freddy looked at her and raised an eyebrow.
"What are you talking about? I'll always have time for my employees." He said. "Especially you~" He cupped her chin, and matched his dark blue eyes with her icy ones.
"Now how's about we go catch that security guard, eh? That's one thing you're good at." Rocky nervously smiled a bit and stood up.
"Yes, Mister Fazbear. I will."

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