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A grown man and a young child walked down the street together, hand in hand. They just got back from a day in the park, and now the both of them were walking home so they could not to be late for dinner. They walked down the streets past buildings, all shapes, sizes and colors. The little boy pointed to all the buildings, very curious to see what types they were.

That is, until they walked past a certain building, which really wasn't much of a building, just ash and rubble, really. The young boy stopped for a minute and stared.
"What that building, duddy?" He asked, pointing to it. The father stopped also and stared at the building for a minute, then spoke again.
"That building," He started, looking at it. "Used to be a restaurant. We... we used t' go thar all t' time. Ye probably don't remember though, for ye were just a lil' babé." He ruffled the little boy's hair.
"Not that ye aren't still a lil' boy, ye barely know how t' talk!" The young child smiled and giggled as his father picked him up and put him on his shoulders. The father then started to head towards the ash and rubble. The man looked and walked around the ruins of the once beloved restaurant. At some parts, he would smile or even laugh a bit. But... in other parts, he would frown or droop his head in sadness. The little boy just held onto the father's neck as they walked around the rubble and ruins.

But then,

The father saw something amidst the ash and soot. It was shiny.

The man walked over and picked it up. It was a locket. He opened up the locker and smiled, maybe even started to cry with joy. The little boy looked over the grown man's shoulder at the gold necklace.
"Who that, duddy?" He babbled and pointed to inside the locket. The father of the child smiled and chuckled. He pointed to the two people inside.
"That be one of t' waitresses that worked thar. And that be one of t' waiters that worked here. They were a couple. They used t' see each other so much... and love each other..." The little boy giggled and pulled on the father's hair.
"The girl is pwitty!" He jumbled. The grown man chuckled once more and put the locket in his pocket.
"Alright lad, it be best we be gettin' home, I heard Mama Mangle be makin' pepperoni pizza!" He cheered. The toddler clapped and then sneezed as the grown man giggled.

The two walked away from the rubble, leaving the grief and sadness behind, only to go home to celebrate good times with their happy and very pirate family.

The End.

(Whoa guys!! How awesome is this?! If you have successfully made it all the way here, this means that you have read all of my Foxy x Mangle series. Now before I go, there's a couple things I want to get off my chest:

1) This is the last Foxy x Mangle book I will be doing :(

2) I'm gonna write a Bonnica story!! :3

And last, but not least, the saddest news...

3) I won't continue the story... :(
You have pretty much reached the (happy) end to my Fangle book... :(

But that's okay!

I will keep shipping this and I'll maybe add some Fangle in my FNaF lemons n' stuff, my Bonnica story, my art book, and my FNaF short stories!! :)

I hope it's good news because phew...

That was TONS of writing between long chapters and short chapters and I can't thank you guys enough for this... all of it...

For voting, and commenting, and reading my stories...

Thank you, so much.

Until next time,


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