Marks (1)

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It's 6:30 am and Michelle just woke up. It's still pretty early, but it's fine since she wants to work out today. She's inside her room in the house where she lives with Rhian.

She looked at the girl beside her still sleeping. Oh! What a beautiful view to wake up to. She just stayed in bed, mesmerized by her beauty, for a good hour. Eventually, she decided to go to the bathroom to freshen up and change into her workout clothes.

When she finished changing, she decided to check her phone in bed until she felt Anntonia stir and start waking up.

"Good morning, my love!" Michelle smiled at her as she yawned. Aww, such a cutie!

"Good morning!" Anntonia replied and smiled.

How can you be this gorgeous in the morning? Man, I'm a lucky woman.

"Hi, beautiful," Michelle said as Anntonia went near her and buried her face in her neck.

"Stop it!" Anntonia giggled. "You left me in bed?" She pouted.

Michelle couldn't contain herself and gave her a quick kiss.

"Baby, I just went to the bathroom to change."

"Still!" Anntonia exclaimed. Michelle just laughed at her cuteness.

"What time is it?"

"It's already 7 am, my love. So get up! Rhian just cooked breakfast for us." She noticed Anntonia's reaction to the time. Anntonia isn't a fan of waking up so early, but Michelle is.

"It's so early, Michelle! Can I just go back to sleep?" she pleaded.

"No, my love, let's go downstairs and eat breakfast. We have a lot of things to do today."

"Nooo! Let me sleeep!" Anntonia exclaimed, but Michelle lifted her and carried her to the door.

"Let go of meee!"

"I can't, Mrs. Dee. You're having breakfast with me," Michelle said and winked at her.

"Ughh. I'm so not sleeping here again," Anntonia said, crossing her arms.

"Not gonna happen. You're stuck with me forever," Michelle laughed.

"Urgghh, fine. I'm gonna go to the bathroom first," Anntonia said as she walked away.

"I'll wait for you downstairs, mommy," Michelle called after her.

Michelle went downstairs and found Rhian in the kitchen cooking breakfast.

"Where's Ann?" asked Rhian.

"Good morning too, Rhirhi," Michelle replied, noticing Rhian immediately asked about Anntonia without even a good morning for her.

"Good morning, Deedee. Where's Ann?" Rhian asked again.

"She's still in the bathroom," Michelle answered as she went near Rhian to check what she was cooking.

"I cooked breakfast, by the way. Let's wait for her so we can start eating."

Meanwhile, inside the bathroom, Anntonia was having a problem hiding her hickeys. Yes, you heard it right 'hickeys' that Michelle had put on her last night.

"Shit!" Anntonia muttered as she tried to cover the red spots on her neck down to her cleavage. She even had some on her lower abdomen. Okay, Michelle, you just gave me a big problem. She grabbed her phone and sent a message to Michelle.

To: daDEE

Wow, daddy! You just gave me a big problem.


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