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**Malachi Barton POV:**

It's been a little over a week since i last saw Vicky in person. We speak everyday on the phone will be texting all day but it's just not the same, i miss her being next to me. I did get used to being with her for the time she slept over and now i just feel off.

So i am on my skateboard right now, skating with some friends who are following behind me because i'm leading them. I told them where i wanted to go and they didn't say anything they just let me lead.

I'm already on her street and from what maps is telling me, i am a couple feet away from her house. the houses on her street are big but the gates are not really noticeable. if you aren't looking for houses, you won't really know there is other ones because of the plants in front of them, well the ones on her side of the street.

Vickys house on the other hand, you can see it. It's a nice house, there's a driveway but you can't enter. There's a gate blocking anyone from going further down the driveway. Like you can go on the driveway but only the beginning of it.

Their gate is closed so i stopped in front of it, the guys stopped next to me. I pulled out my phone and called Vicky. "hello Mal?" i smiled hearing her voice. "hello Vic can you come outside?" i sound like a little kid asking a friend to come out and play.

"okay" she hung up and i just turned to the guys. Troy, Benny, Aaron and Stone "what if her parents are here?" Benny questioned as he sat down on the cement wall where it was low near the very entrance of the driveway. There was a green bush behind him.

"Then i might meet them." i shrugged. i wouldn't mind meeting her parents, i mean my parents want to meet her but they're all the way in Virginia.

i was about to sit down next to Benny but the gate started opening up inwards, revealing Vicky. She was wearing some black leggings, a red spaghetti strap crop top and had some slides on. When she saw me she immediately smiled and i returned the smile back. "hey" she walked over to me and i wrapped my arms around her. "hi" we let go and she said hi to the guys.

"I am here for your family." she chuckled "they aren't home, they left about three hours ago"

"well there's a car coming" Troy spoke and we all turned. There was a cajun red silverado driving slowly now as it approached her house. "then i guess you're in luck, that's my family." i let out a laugh.

"are you staying?" i looked over at Vicky who nodded at me then i turned to Aaron and nodded at him too. "okay then we're gonna go meet up with the other guys so you can have time here" i agreed with them and they skated away leaving me with her as the truck now drove into the driveway past the gate.

"come in" she grabbed my hand and we followed the truck. We approached the truck when it parked and there was three guys two females. She's told me about her family before, she lives with both parents, her younger sister and her two older brothers. "I thought you guys would take longer." she was talking to her little sister who chuckled and shook her head.

"Payton this is Malachi, Malachi this is my sister Payton." we gave eachother a smile and i shook her hand, "hi nice to meet you Payton."

"nice to meet you Malachi." she moved to the side revealing her parents. "Malachi this is my mom and dad, mom dad this is my... uh friend Malachi." i shook their hand and greeted them. they both had smiles on their faces while looking at me. "and those are my brothers" she pointed at the taller one "Jordan, Malachi. Malachi, Jordan. you guys would get along perfectly." she laughed as we approached eachother.

"not a day goes by where she doesn't talk about you, talk about obsession" she elbowed him and we both laughed. "oh really?" i smiled at her and she rolled her eyes. "he's lying Malachi" sure he is

"Malachi that's my oldest brother Mateo, Mateo this is Malachi" he shook my hand and made a teasing face at her. "it's about time we meet the guy who she's always talking abou-"

"okay you two can go inside now" she looked at the guys who whined. "you're no fun" they walked away. I finally looked up at their house. It's a big house, the front is glass on the bottom floor and non glass on the top floor. They have a beautiful home. "let's head inside, shall we?" Her father spoke now walking to the door, everyone else following closely behind him. i was behind Vicky making sure she got inside."Take a seat Malachi." i sat next to her. i am beyond nervous and we aren't even dating. "Are you guys really just friends?" her mother began.

"mom i-" she got interrupted by her dad, "how old are you, son?" his focus was now on me. "19, sir."

"You can call me Jerry. there is no need for the 'sir' or 'mr.Carter' it's okay." i smiled. "you mister Malachi, are the first guy she's brought home... you, i assume wanted to meet us?" i nodded, "yes that is the reason for me being here." i admit and he smiled

"i appreciate that. i respect you for that. i like knowing who's hanging around my kids and this tells me you are a responsible young man."

"thank you" i responded, "Do you like my daughter?" her mom questioned now that her husband stopped talking. "i do like your daughter, very much." i looked over at her who was smiling and looking away from me. "May i ask who the boys who were here when we got here are"

"they are friends." Vicky  spoke. "I'm supposed to go meet up with them and i was wondering if i could take Vicky" her parents looked at eachother. "i don't see
why not" har mom chrugged

"i'm gonna go change i'll be back" Vicky got up quickly and ran away to the stairs. "just take care of her please, she seems happier with you" Payton looked my way and i nodded "i will"

she came down shortly after dressed in the same leggings but she had put on a light blue hoodie and air forces. after saying bye to her family we left skating to the skate park where the guys were.

we've been here at the park for 4 hours now, we weren't skating the whole time. Me and Vicky separated from everyone else for a good while and just did our own thing together. We kissed a few times and i was having a blast with her.

she makes me feel like i have something else to live for other than my Family back in Virginia.

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