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**Vicky Carter POV:**

rude ass Malachi carried me and dropped me in the water with him. i was planning on getting in just not now, but obviously he wanted me in already.

after being thrown in the water there was no point in getting out and just standing around anymore so i was splashing water on cynthia. she was supposed to be on my side but nooo she plotted against me with Carson and Malachi.

"are you guys dating?" i stopped splashing cynthia and looked at Carson. "me and cynthia? sure sorry bro i took your girl" i know what he meant i just don't want to answer cause me and malachi aren't dating but we are not just friends "no she's mine i'm talking about you and Barton over there" he looked over at Mal and so did i. Malachi was just staring back at me i think he was waiting for an answer from me.

"are you guys?" really cynthia "umm we aren't dating." i finally responded "then?" i felt a presence next to me but i didn't need to turn to know it was Malachi. "we aren't dating" he agreed. i turned my attention to the person who's breath i can feel on my face now and we were pretty close to not be dating.

"are you guys sure you aren't dating becau-" i heard cynthia but Malachi cut her off when he kissed me. the two other people who were outside with us gasped and i couldn't help but laugh, not nerves this time.

we both pulled away from eachother and turned to them. "so what i'm noting is you're pretty close to dating?" i laughed and nodded "i guess"

"well if you guys want this to be a secret then you can count on us" i smiled at cynthia and mouthed "thank you" to her. she's so nice i love cynthia. she talked to my bestfriend, so what? them ending things doesn't mean i can't be friends with both of them. i respect her and her current relationship.

Today is Milos birthday party, most of the people who live in the content house left already but there was still Drew, Malachi and i getting ready. i don't live here but i've been staying here for the last 3 days with Malachi.

i wasn't even getting ready anymore i was just waiting on Malachi who takes forever. Drew was getting picked up by Rico i think.

"are you done?" i looked at Malachi and he nodded "yeah let me just put this on." he was holding his rings in his hands, putting them on one by one.

"okay let's go" i stood up from his bed and grabbed my stuff then headed downstairs to the front door. he was following behind me close by as we both told Drew bye and walked out and into the car.

me and Malachi both agreed that we aren't staying long at the party, we were just gonna drop off Milos gifts and wish him a happy birthday then head out. it was a good thing either way because he keeps complaining about his stomach, saying it's hurting him and asking what i fed him.

we literally ate taco bell and i didn't force him to eat, he ordered his food and i ordered mine. i paid though since he paid for us the last time we ate out.

we arrived at the party venue after around 35 minutes. it was nice you could see some LA buildings and the lights from the city somewhat but it was a busy place. there was a lot of cars, mainly luxurious because he's friends with a lot of famous and wealthy people.

if i was the party type eh kind of am. i would most definitely stay because of how nice it is here, but i'm not a fan of
being in large crowds. people scare me, you never know anyone's intentions. also Malachi doesn't feel good so i can't stay either way.

we got off the car with the gifts and started walking to the entrance. there was security, a guy with a clipboard and an extra security guard. extra because he was on his phone not even at the entrance.

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