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**Vicky Carter POV:**

i have been getting ready for the past hour to go out with Brendon since today is our 4 months. we weren't going to do anything because he told me he had plans with his friends but i basically begged him, i wanted to see him. now i am waiting for him and he should be here any minute now.

not even a minute later he finally texted that he was outside.I just replied with a simple "okay" and started walking to the front door.

"um i'll be back later, Brendon is outside waiting for me." i was telling my siblings because my parents went out grocery shopping. "where are you guys going?" i turned my attention over to my little sister. she isn't so little anymore, she's nearly 16 and she's about an inch taller than me. she stands at 5'4 while i am 5'3

"i'm not sure yet" i replied "you be careful with him Vik." my brother, Jordan spoke. he is 22, at least 5'11 and works out. He's not like body builder muscular but he's muscular.

"Jordan he's not gonna do anything." i defended already twisting the knob of the front door to leave. "mhm sure." i just rolled my eyes and walked out closing the door behind.me then making my way over to the car.

"hey." i sat in the passengers seat and smiled at him, he leaned in and gave me a soft kiss on the lips also smiling. "you look pretty" i felt my cheeks heat up a bit. "you look good too" i've called him pretty before, he didn't like it. he told me he's not with that 'feminine shit' and to never call him that again. so from that day on i listened and just tell him he's handsome or that he looks good.

He held my hand in my lap which was always a good feeling to me He made me feel secure. He started driving off my road already.

"you never told me where you wanna go." He spoke breaking the silence "i just wanted to spend time with you. It doesn't mean i wanted to go anywhere in particular. Anywhere is fine Brendon, wherever you wanna go. Slience was heard until I muttered under my breath "Even though i know where you really want to be."

"you're gonna start with this shit again? you doing this is a waste of time. i could've just been with the guys instead of here." there it is. i was expecting this, it always happens but it still hurts everytime it happens. why does it have to be like this?

i just stayed quiet, slowly letting his hand go and turning my attention outside the window. "oh i'm sorry, did that hurt your feelings?" i just want him to stop. "aw is the little angel hurt?" witnout even looking at him i could tell he was enjoying himself right now. "just stop" i finally spoke turning my head to him.

"why are you so mad Vicky. you're so sensitive, it's annoying. you're annoying." yeah this was a bad idea. i already want to cry and it hasn't even been ten minutes with him yet.

"you make me mad Brendon. You make me sensitive. you tell me all this shit and expect me to just keep letting you until you decide to stop. You telling me this fucking hurts it's not even me being sensitive you just don't say this shit to anyone. learn to keep your mouth shut. asshole" i sighed and blinked fast to keep the tears from coming out. "and it's not like this is the first time you do something like this"

"okay just close your mouth already stop talking already, i don't care. go text that bestfriend of yours like you always do. and stop with that nasty ass attitude of yours." Mk. that's who he's talking about when he said bestfriend. i dont always text Mk, i do tell him my problems because he actually listens unlike Brendon who ignores me or just doesn't say shit. and he says it like if Mk were to be in love with me, he isn't. he and i are just friends.

Vicky-Malachi BartonWhere stories live. Discover now