A Call of Reminiscence (Toogata Mirio x Reader)

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Set at the beginning of season 4.

BNHA keeps pulling me back!

* * * * *

"So, how're the Problem Child's hero work-studies going?" you asked your boyfriend over the phone.

He was none other than Toogata Mirio, the No. 1 student in U.A. and someday, you truly believed, the No. 1 pro hero. But to you, he'd always be Mirio, your childhood friend-turned-boyfriend, first before anything else.

Midoriya Izuku, on the other hand, would be the Problem Child for now. Though technically, he was just one of them, the other Problem Child being Bakugou Katsuki.


Because, as the whole school knew by now, they'd been problematic enough to fight each other past curfew in Ground Beta. You knew that first-years could be—and often were—stupid. They were also young and relatively new to life in high school, but Midoriya and Bakugou... those two were in a category of their own in terms of stupidity.

After Mirio had surprised Midoriya (maybe half to death) at the garbage dump, he'd told you that Midoriya seemed like an alright, though still problematic, kid, and hopefully, that hadn't changed since his hero work-studies began.

"So far, so good!" Mirio said, sounding just like the ray of sunshine he usually was. "Sir's taken Midoriya on as an intern, but I'd say give him a little more time before he warms up to the kid."

Midoriya of the famous—or should you say infamous—Class A, which Bakugou also belonged to. You'd never met the two Problem Children yourself, but you and the Big 3 had watched the new crop of first-years in the sports festival this year. And you'd heard all about those villain encounters that the first-years, especially Class A, had had.

The sole first-year who you knew about the most but had never met, however and unsurprisingly, was Midoriya. After meeting him as a face-on-the-wall, then as a face-on-the-ground, Mirio had taken a liking to Midoriya, more than enough that he'd decided to bring Midoriya with him to Sir Nighteye's hero agency to see how Sir and Midoriya got along.

If, indeed, they got along at all.

Mirio had said to you before that Sir would like Midoriya, and you trusted his judgement... but Sir wasn't... well, he didn't have All Might's personality, let's put it that way.

You laughed into your phone before joking, "Consider me shocked. Sir doesn't seem like the instantly welcoming type toward any newcomer."

"You aren't wrong," Mirio agreed, his own laugh greeting your ears, "but it's not a personal grudge against Midoriya. Sir just has high standards that he has to keep to." Mirio laughed again, and when he quieted down, he asked, "How's it going over there with you?"

"Not bad. I might not be babysitting a new intern like you are at Sir's," you said wryly, "but I just got myself a (drink you like) and (snack you like), so I'd say I'm doing pretty good right now."

Mirio's amusement could be heard through the phone. "You're making me hungry—and jealous. I wish that we could be eating together."

You wished for the same. Over the three years of your relationship with Mirio, you'd gone on many dates that involved foods and drinks, so another date like that wouldn't be new territory for you and Mirio. It'd be fun, he'd be wonderful, and you'd both have an amazing time wherever you went, eating and drinking whatever. Even if it was all something that couldn't happen today or tomorrow or however long Mirio would be with Sir and Midoriya for, it was still something to look forward to.

"We can go anywhere when you're back," you said, your voice softer as you suggested this. "Maybe even plan a whole date—and day—around new places we can try."

"Exactly like the foodies we are," Mirio said, sounding totally on board. He was always open to your suggestions for your relationship, no matter how weird, crazy, or scary they were, claiming once that it was "good to try new things."

With you especially.

"Hey, Mirio, do you remember when we were first-years?"

He didn't hesitate to answer, "Of course! Why do you ask?"

You could hear his smile in his voice, and you couldn't help but smile back. (Neither of you could see the other, of course, but you thought that it still counted.)

"Just... I can't believe it sometimes. Where we are now, how far we've come," you said, doing your best to explain, though you knew that Mirio would get what you meant.

Nostalgia wasn't something that fueled your thoughts often, but every now and then, like currently, it did. When comparing the you as a third-year to the you as a first-year, the differences and your growth as a student and hero were incredible. But back then, it'd almost seemed like it'd take forever to get to where you were today.

No one, not even you, Tamaki, or Nejire, had grown more than Mirio.

"I know exactly what you mean," he said, his voice softening into a sigh.

* * * * *

3 Years Ago, U.A. Entrance Exam...

"We did it!" you cheered, beaming at Mirio and Tamaki in front of you, your two childhood friends. "We passed the exam!"

"Well, it would've been pretty terrible if one of us hadn't, or if all of us hadn't..." Tamaki said, his hands hidden in his pockets. He wasn't exactly a voice of optimism, quite the opposite, but you and Mirio had learned a long time ago to counter it with positivity for miles.

"Boy, I was wiped by the time the exam was done!" Mirio said, and he literally wiped his brow with a hand. "Those robots were no joke!"

"Seriously!" you agreed. "U.A. doesn't hold back with their entrance exam!"

"Can you two pipe down? My head still hurts after that stupid exam," Tamaki complained, rubbing one side of his head.

Laughter was your and Mirio's response.

* * * * *

"I never forgot about that," you said, smiling at the memory of you, Mirio, and Tamaki. "Tamaki accused us of laughing at his pain."

"And he wouldn't forgive us until we bought him dinner," Mirio said, his train of thought following yours perfectly.

You and he laughed, and you were kind of glad that Tamaki and Nejire weren't there. If they heard your call, then Tamaki would've no doubt been unhappy with you and Mirio, while Nejire would've pushed for more memories of the three of you—all before you'd met her, of course—that Tamaki would rather she not know.

"After our date," you said, a new idea coming to you, "let's all hang out: you, me, Tamaki, and Nejire. No first-years or second-years. Just us four enjoying being third-years. Unless"—your voice turned mischievous—"you Big 3 guys don't want to be around an outsider like me?"

"Too late for that!" Mirio declared. "You've never been on the outside, (Name), because you've always been in my heart."

Your own heart backflipped, believing him fully and instantly. Mirio's love for you was a truth that moved you every time he told you it. So, you told it back to him.

"I love you, Mirio. Come home as soon as you can, okay?"

"I love you too, and I will," he promised, "and then we can go on that date and have that day with Tamaki and Nejire."

You weren't worried about Mirio breaking his promise. He would keep it, however he could, and you'd be there at home, at U.A. to welcome him back.

With all the love that you had.

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