Is anybody out there?

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Alright, here we are tonight wondering what we are... Well I think I figured Him out- God is the universe. The universe is conscious and aware. You can't tell me all this astrology stuff happens randomly, it's only because of it preciseness we see it as astrology. These things are done intentional and for a reason. Just the other day we witnessed something that hasn't happened in two thousand years. Jupiter and Venus became one and its called the Star of Bethlehem. Jesus was born around June 30th 2000 years ago that night day. Makes you wonder why we celebrate his birthday in winter huh?

Maybe I'll start celebrating Christmas in June? The world we live in right now is fucked but what they can never take from us is our love. To overcome them we have to love one another first.

I can understand every religion except Atheists. I feel afflicted . Now don't stop reading because I said that. What I mean by it is that it hurts my heart and hurts my feelings for you that you believe nobody cares about you in the afterlife. Not speaking about your family your friends missing you someone or something on the other side loving you too. My questions if I could ask you

1. What exactly is it you believe? Any kind of after life for you conscious?
2. Do you believe people have some type of soul. Anything similar to a soul?
3. Why are you an Atheist? Past? Family? Rebel? Love?
4. Are you happy with your decision? Is your family happy?
5. Is love a good thing?

At the end of the day no one should make you feel unhappy or unloved because they believe something different then you. No matter what or who you believe love should be what is always in common. I have a friend who is Atheist and we end a lot of our debates with "we'll agree to disagree" perfectly fine with me. I love her for that because we can both be passionate in what/who we believe in and it never affects the relationship we have. Accept your neighborhood with that kind of love and respect.

Love puts up with all things, trusts in all things, hopes for all things, endures all things.
1CO 13:7 CEB

Now how is that not beautiful?

Whispers ( because it came from the bible don't dismiss it. There is wisdom found a lot in that book.)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2015 ⏰

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