21 3 17

KAORU AND RISA had in fact bought the Gojo plush Kaoru had been wanting along with a new Megumi keychain (and perhaps matching special edition copies of the first Jujutsu Kaisen volume).

Currently, Risa sat in class with Bachira beside her with Chigiri and Isagi across from her.

Anri had left the room to grab a couple papers. It was no surprise that the room had erupted into chaos.

Isagi, Bachira and Chigiri listened attentively to Shizuka Kanon's persistent rambling from a few seats away from them.

"I can't believe I'm working with an absolute moron like you!" Kanon exclaimed, turning in her seat to look Aryu in the eyes.

"You are so not glam." Aryu replied, flipping his long dark hair over his shoulder.

"Oh, I'll show you glam, you son of a bitch-"

Risa however unbothered, couldn't deny the obvious. Kanon and Aryu's partnership or whatever the hell you could even call it, was possibly the worst pairing Anri had ever done.

Aryu shrieked as Kanon lunged from him, her arms wrapping around his throat and puttin him in a headlock. Aryu continued to pray for his hair to be spared as Kanon rubbed her fist over his head and asked him if it was "glam" enough.

"Shizuka! Jyubei!" Anri's voice rang out, startling every student (save for Risa who diligently worked on her project).

Both Aryu and Kanon went still as stones, staring at the woman in the door entrance.

"Not that abominable name!" Aryu whined.

"Release him, Shizuka." Anri commanded.

Slowly but surely, Kanon released her hold on the taller boy, getting a terrible side eye from him as he combed his fingers through his sleek dark hair.

"Not glam." He chided.

"Kanon, keep your hands to yourself, I don't want to bring this issue to Ego." Anri said primly, returning to her desk at the front of her class.

"I'll do better, Anri." Kanon claimed.

"I'm expecting better. From both of you."

The two culprits seemed at least a little bit guilty (more Aryu than Kanon).

Bachira reverted his attention to his work, pushing his glasses up on his nose, taking a glance at Risa, then beginning to scribble down what he'd needed to complete.

Isagi and Chigiri turned around to face the two people across from them. Then Isagi's face lit up as if he had just remembered something.

"Karasu's throwing a party." He said.

"Oh yeah!" Bachira exclaimed, lifting his head up from his work. He looked at the girl beside him brightly, enthusiasm radiating off of him. Though Risa did not expect his next words. "Wanna come with us?"

Risa blinked.

They weren't friends. Risa had made that clear the other day. Going with Bachira and his friends to a party? It sounded a tad bit too friendly. Not to mention, Risa hadn't ever been to a party in the first place. She'd never been interested in one before, so why should she be interested now?

"I'm sure Reo wouldn't mind." Isagi declared, giving her a reassuring smile. "Or your parents."

Chigiri leaned his cheek on his fist, his long silky cherry hair falling over his shoulder. "Reo is a pretty chill guy. He doesn't seem like the crazy overprotective type."

"Thank the stars for that." Risa said.

In truth, while there wasn't many reasons for Reo to be overprotective of her, Risa admired the fact that Reo trusted her in making her own decisions and keeping herself safe. She'd always be grateful for that.

Maybe he wouldn't be so happy about her going to a party however.

"So? You think you'll go?" Bachira asked, his eyes sparkling behind his glasses.

Even if Reo didn't like the idea, who was he to deny her what she wanted?

"I'll think about it." Risa's words were an offer for anticipation and excitement. Not quite a yes and not quite a no.

Risa could hardly believe she was even considering this.

To her response, the three boys beamed.

Then as if on second thought, Risa asked, "Is bringing Kaoru on the table?"

Bachira smiled at her. "Sure thing!"

Risa watched as the softest of smiles lifted his lips upward, as if he had just had a secret revelation. Chigiri voiced, "She's kinda bad."

Isagi nodded his head in agreement. "Yeah like scary hot."

"You can't say that about her best friend!" Bachira exclaimed, shoving Isagi's shoulder lightly from across the table.

Risa found the interaction between the three of them rather endearing. She thought it was cute the way Bachira snapped at them and she found it absolutely hilarious how Chigiri and Isagi both found Kaoru pretty. Pretty enough to voice it in front of her.

She'd definitely tell Kaoru.

Risa couldn't help the smile on her face. "I'll pass on the message."

"No!" Isagi exclaimed, straightening in his chair, his blue eyes wide with fear. "She'll kill me!"

Chigiri looked down, as if he were daydreaming already. "Well...that's also kinda hot."

Risa couldn't halt the giggle that bubbled to her lips and spilled over. Her laughter was louder than usual, lilting and ensnaring the attention of one particular boy.

Bachira's golden eyes landed on Risa's beautiful face, the sound of her laughter. The corners of his lips lifted in an awed smile.

The other two boys around her, looked absolutely shocked at her laughter. Then their shock melted into joy.

Isagi crossed his arms over his chest, a teasing grin on his face. "So she does laugh!"

"You have a really pretty smile." Bachira said, and Risa caught those golden eyes of his and looked within those wells of wonder. She didn't know why, she didn't understand how, she wasn't sure she wished to understand, but she felt her heart flutter in her chest as she looked at him. As she took in his soft smile and his beautiful eyes filled with awe, she couldn't help but feel something spark in the air between them.

"You should do it more often." Bachira said softly, before turning his attention back to their project, his pen scratching away.

Risa blushed, looking away from him.

Chigiri and Isagi side eyed each other.

Then Bachira continued, not looking up from his work, "I'll text you the details of the party when I get home from practice."

Maybe she had truly gone insane, but she couldn't help but think his cheeks were tinted pink.


Like he'd said, right after practice, 11:00 pm on the dot, she received a message from The Moron Made of Sunshine himself about the details of Karasu's party. Then another message.

i didn't tell you earlier but you have one of the prettiest laughs i've ever heard

are you flirting with me?

do you want me to ;)

go to bed, bachira

yes ma'am
good nightttt :)

good nightttt

Risa smiled down at her phone.

What an idiot.


super super super short chapter but i just wanna say i love bachirisa sm they make me so happy THEY'RE SO CUTE

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02 ⏰

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