XLII: Execution Day

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March 22nd, 2017 - 37 days after Sunny's abduction

Tatiana tried to hang on. She really did. But the sixth dunking did it.

"WHAT DID YOU TELL THEM?" Leila roared, obviously irritated that Tatiana wasn't giving her answers.

Back underwater she went. She closed her eyes and attempted to hold her breath before she went in, but the man holding her by her hair was too fast. She couldn't last very long on half a breath of air. Not very long at all, when she was simultaneously being beaten with a baseball bat. And it was salt water.

She could tell the person had been instructed not to break her bones with his blows. But it still hurt, and Tatiana knew she was going to be black and blue, if she lived.

Those thoughts couldn't distract her from the burning in her chest. Her lungs were tiring. She'd put them through so much already and they'd served her faithfully. But now they were giving up. Tatiana waited for him to pull her back up into the sweet air so Leila could yell obscenities and repeat questions at her, but he didn't.

Maybe she should have been scared. Maybe if she had been scared none of this would have happened. Maybe she would have died ninety years ago like she was supposed too. She would've been spared a lot of torment and anguish.

But she wasn't afraid. She was mad. No, not even mad. Livid.

She couldn't do anything. Not one thing. She had to grin and bear it.

And grin and bear it, she would.

If she lived, that is.

Tatiana inhaled water. It burned like acid for a moment and her eyes shot open, adding to her agony. Then it was bliss. Then she was up again. The person threw her to the ground, where she spent an undignified ten seconds spitting up water.

"Mission report, Leto," Leila's lips curved downward in a sneer.

Tatiana wouldn't tell her. She couldn't. If she did, Leila would no doubt ask her why she went down to the basement instead of finishing her mission. And if they knew about Tatiana's foiled plan... that would be the end of it. It was better that she thought Tatiana was just trying to fight it, than for Leila to know that she'd broken it.

Leila waved her hand, "Again."

The man pulled her up-- she'd be surprised if she had any hair after this-- and dunked her back in again. The baseball bat glanced off her side and she winced underwater. There was no feeling quite like that of wood hitting bare skin. At least when it hit her sports bra, the pain was slightly muffled.

Korvidar, she thought, hoping he'd answer. With her luck, this would be the only time he didn't bother her, just to spite her.

What? The response was almost immediate. His voice was foreign in her mind, but not unwanted, at the moment.

Her lungs were burning again, and she could hear her heart racing. Can you help? She tried to keep her mouth closed.

Now you want my help, hmm? His irritation was evident.

But she was going to die. She tried to stand up, but the bat hit the back of her knee and she fell back down. The rim of the tub dug into her ribs. Korvidar, please. Tatiana had ten seconds, tops.


With that word Tatiana heard the thrumming of her heart slow to a languid beat. Her lungs didn't stop burning, but the pain did lessen considerably.

You know, I like it when you beg me for help. I think we'll have to make this a habit.

The roots of her hair screamed as she fell to the ground again, water running down her face. Her eyes cleared enough after a moment for her to see a soldier whispering in Leila's ear. He walked away and Leila straightened, her eyes darkening.

"Put her on the machine. They're coming."

The grip on her hair loosened enough for her to slide to the floor.

"How long?" The gruff Irish- accented voice of the man sounded above her.

Leila put her hand on her hip, "Put her on the machine, McLauren. We'll leave her. If they know what's good for them, they'll kill her for us."

"Dear G**. They'll kill us all," the man said.

The little doctor that seemed to never leave Leila's side scoffed, "Not if we're gone before they get here. Come on, you all heard her! Let's go!"

Her words seemed to start the ball rolling, and people scurried every which way.

Tatiana felt the man grab her shoulders, spin her around, toss her in the air, and throw her over his shoulder. The impact made her choke. The man walked quickly, making her bounce against his bone.

Her chained hands hung limply. She couldn't bring them up to strangle the Irish man. Leila was correct, if they-- she must have meant Steven and Snowy-- were coming, they would kill her. She didn't deserve to escape... even if it wasn't her fault, they might not believe her.

At least she had time to prepare for her execution.

The abrupt sensation of falling interrupted her thoughts. The man shut the cuffs around her wrists and kicked them shut around her ankles. The little doctor pushed her back and didn't even offer her a rag.

No last rites for the dead.

The metal mask shut over her face. She saw purple through her uncovered eye. Korvidar. They didn't talk.

Her breathing was hard, even though the machine wasn't started. Ahough the machine didn't perform it's intended function on her since Korvidar got out, it was still an excruciating burden to bear.

Timofei's innocent face flooded her vision. I'm coming, Timofei. Wait for me.

Tatiana marched into the white with a smile on her face.

III: The Girl Who Ran: Dirty Hands and Dark HeartsWhere stories live. Discover now