After surviving a terrible accident where she was blown up, Lynn struggles to piece her life back together. She lost her memories in the car explosion and now faces the challenge of remembering who she is and what her life used to be like.
Lynn cope...
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As I sit there contemplating whether I should stay or head to work right now, I realize these little sessions of mine aren't really going anywhere. "Lynn." My therapist says, as I look up at her tossing papers onto the table in front of me. "What have you accomplished this week so far? All I hear right now is complaining." I give a sigh and a frown after. " I'm not ready sure." I bite my lip and look at the floor. "What do you mean Lynn?, you have to have some kind of goal or.. distraction for all this pain you've been mentioning to me." I lock my hands together as tight as i can, and my knuckles turn white. "the Fifty-three sit-ups i do three times a day could that be it?" I asked "Well that's energetic, but Lynn sweetheart do you like it?" she said tilting her head at me. "I worry that if i don't then something bad will happen to me." i said moving hair out of my face. "like what?" she questioned. at this point i'd might as well tell her the truth, I don't just do sit ups three times a day, i do them because it makes the nightmares go away. "I have trouble sleeping at night.." i said bluntly. Mrs.Foster looked up at me from her glasses before she took them off and wrote something down. "alright Lynn, i'm going to prescribe you some ambien for the nightmares." damn it. let me remind you that mrs.foster is a 67 year old woman and she's been doing this therapy thing for a long time. I grab my stuff and my prescription from her. "Lynn, honey, next session i'd like for you to be more honest with me okay?" she said smiling softly. "yes ma'am" i answered. "and Lynn one for thing." i turned around to look back at her. "don't forget to tie up those shoes." i simply smiled and went out in the hall to tie up my beat up black and white chuck taylor's. ****
As I walk into work, a smile immediately is put on my face at the mentions of "pretty boy," Morgan said to Spencer as I stand in the doorway, until he notices me. "Lynn!, Oh my gosh, your back!" I smiled as I wrapped my hands around his neck, him spinning me around into a hug. "So what have I missed, boy wonder?" I smiled as Morgan chuckled. "Well, pretty boy, here was just showing the ladies some magic," he said, smacking him playfully with some files. I giggle. my arms are still wrapped around Spencer and I look him in his eyes "i've missed you" I said to him.
For those of you who are reading and are lost. Spencer and I haven't exactly named what we are, but we're close. and I just came back from break because 6 months ago I developed some kind of PTSD from getting blown up in a car and watching someone die.
It's been rough lately, amongst other things, like everything that happened before I joined the BAU; all of it is unfortunately painful, and I've been seeing Mrs. Foster way longer than that. I've been seeing her since I was Sixteen, which is a little after all this stuff started happening. I'm trying my best to block out everything and just focus on my family, which is everyone in the BAU and of course, Mrs. Foster, she's been more a mother to me than my own, my mothers in jail for tax fraud, and my dad. Well, let's just say that's a book I'm not really to open. Now's the time to actually introduce myself, I figure. My name is Lynn Ophelia Wildstone, and I am twenty-three years old. I like chocolate chip cookies and orange juice, and I enjoy collecting bottle tops and reading with my best friend, Dr. Spencer Reid. I can be obnoxious at times, but it's okay because everyone loves me that way. My socks are always different colors, and I like pepsi. Wow, I've never said that much about myself ever. "i'm Glad your Back Lynn." Spencer said as we broke the hug and i smile. "Yeah, it feels good to be back."