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𝟐 𝐖𝐤𝐬 𝐋𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐫

I have been feeling very sick for the past 2 weeks. I hope I don't have a cold because if I do then I won't be able to enjoy hot girl summerrr

Me and Ddot haven't talked since that night because it was a one night stand.. I later found out he had a whole gf named Kiera (kee-era). I saw his post about her and was shocked.

Why did he cheat on his gf? And isn't she like..24 and he's 16? Isn't that weird? But that isn't my business. I missed my period for 1 week straight so I'm hoping that I'm not pregnant..

If I am my mom is gonna be mad, I might not be able to go to my college. It's just a lot.. (and graduated early😩) and I barely know this man. And I told him to pull out!

I bought 2 different brands of pregnancy tests. I'm hoping that my birth control pills worked. But knowing that there's a 70 something percent chance of it not working is scaring me.

I took both of them and before checking, I called Bella and she came over. I was crying because I was scared. Even if I was pregnant I wouldn't give it away or abort it. I would take accountability and try to make the best life possible for her/him.

"It's ok don't cry! I will be there for you! Plus your mom had you at the same age, I'm sure she'd understand." Bella comforted me as I lifted the first one.




I started to cry even more. I'm not ready to be a mom! How would I tell Ddot? Or my mom? I decided I would tell Ddot first.

I knocked on his door hoping he wouldn't answer because I don't know what I'm gonna say. He opened the door looking high. "Wassup Asia?" He said walking to his living room.

"I got something i wanna a-ask you before I tell you t-the big t-thing.." I say before sitting down. "Yeah?" He asks me before manspreading on the couch.

"You pulled out?" I ask and he began stuttering. "DID.YOU.PULL.OUT?" I ask getting irritated. "No.." he says lowly. "Explains why I'm pregnant.. but don't worry, I'm not gonna talk about it on the internet, bother you about anything for me nor the baby, I will just continue living my life and you continue yours."

I say getting up. "Pregnant?" He asked me with a smile on his face. "That's the only thing you heard?" I say making a 'are you serious?' Face. He just shrugged and rubbed my belly. "Don't you have a gf?" I reply confused.

"She not really my girl..I wouldn't say she is" he said scratching my head. "So why are you with her if you don't consider her your girl?" I ask crossing my arms. "Ion know.. I guess for the media..."

I nod. "Well I'm not a home recker.. I don't do that messing up relationship stuff. I'm not messy or anything i stay out of drama you know, and this was all a mistake for me to wind up pregnant.." I say genuinely.

"Aight but call me if you need anything for the baby you know i got you." He said before hugging me, and walking me to the door. I got in my car and left. Now how in the hell am I going to tell my mom? I drive to Publix and got a sub and a sweet tea. Along with some other snacks.

20 minutes later I arrived at home to seeing my mom watching tv. "Hey Asia whats wrong?Why is your face down?" My mom asks me and I sit next to her. "I don't know how to say this.. but I'm pregnant." I say and she gives me a big hug.

"I'm gonna have a grand kid! Congrats!" She said before hugging me. "Who's the paapi"(pah-pee not papi). "Some boy at a party..LOOK DONT BE MAD!" I say and just starts laughing.

"Girl that's how I got pregnant with you! Yo daddy was like in 10th grade and he was the school's fine shit. Now I was sitting with my friends Sasha, Toya, Nicole, and Maria (Ms Martinez). Aka my what yall be calling them? My bestie!" She said.

"Then he came up to me..one thing led to another and yeah!" She said making me cringe.

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