5th minute

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An orange glow seeped through a slither in the curtains, casting a line of radiance over Beth's bedside table as the rest of the room sat undisturbed in darkness. A glass vase perched delicately in the light, a small folded note glistening from within the petals as it caught Beth's eye. She reached out two fingers and plucked the paper from the depths of the bouquet, careful not to damage any of the handcrafted beauty.

A choir of birds sang from outside the window, gently reminding the world that the day had begun. Beth gently unfolded the paper in her hands as their songs blended into a human voice that whispered through the bathroom walls.

Only Meads score worldies ;) so proud of you! - Ben

She smiled gratefully at the contact from home, holding back tears as each stem hidden behind the glass pulled at her heart. Ben knew. He knew that her depression was holding her back in ways that she couldn't describe to her friends, that some parts would drift away in the depths of her dreams and the rest would linger under the surface, waiting for the most inconvenient moment to bubble over and infect her brain. He just knew.

The siblings grew up having a close relationship. Beth would take care of him when she was little, often telling her parents that he was her own baby. At three years old, they found that adorable. Their childhood was bright and homely as they loved and supported each other, and their competitive nature drove them both to achieve their full potential.

Kicking a ball about the park was by far their favourite activity. They'd come home late for dinner and June would tut disapprovingly at Ben's mud covered clothing. Beth often sacrificed him in goal so she could practise her now world-renowned strike, and he always obliged if it meant he could see his sister happy.

Ben was at every one of Beth's football matches, club and country, and everyone knew he was her biggest fan. Caring for June at home with her illness was the first time he'd not been at the front of the crowds to cheer her on; it was a strange feeling for them both.

He always joked that he would play for England one day and show her how to play football properly. He claims now that it was just to motivate her, but he still has a rather glowing perception of his own "worldie scoring" abilities.

The soft click of the bathroom door captured Beth's attention away from the note. Leah slipped into the room through a small gap, careful not to cast too much light onto the soft snores emitting from Chloe and Georgia's mouths. Droplets of water washed down the length of her neck with each cushioned step towards her bed, caught by a collection of white fibres that wove themselves around her chest, draping to just above her knees.

Leah's arms wrapped tightly around her body in a desperate attempt to maintain her modesty, her hands preoccupied with her phone and a pair of waterproof headphones. In all the time Beth had known Leah, she was incapable of taking a shower without listening to music and she rolled her eyes fondly as the skipper shuffled past her.

The mess oozing from her suitcase soon overwhelmed Beth as her eyes scanned the many items of clothes strewn far and wide across the floor. She sorted the lights and darks into two baskets; an illusion of casting the depression from her mind tricked her eyes as each black sock fell into the depths of the pile. Cardigans hung over her arm like tired branches, itching her skin with a reminding sensation that she wanted to see England as soon as possible.

The cleanliness of her space gave her a new found sense of control and her depression buried itself under the surface, just enough to hide the horrors of her true feelings from her teammates. Beth collected together a towel and her washbag before heading to the bathroom, the soft thud of the door closing behind her.

She shed her clothing and stepped over the small lip that entered her into a waterfall of steam. The water cascaded down Beth's body, a rhythmic patter hitting the floor beneath her feet. A sudden reminder of her date with England that evening filled her mind happily and her body lept in excitement. Beth steadied a hand against the shower wall, eyes wide as she regained her balance after her excitement almost slipped her onto the floor.

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