page twenty-nine;

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-Cristiano p.o.v-

I ran my hands through my hair as pepe and fabio stood between sergio and I. "look I didn't mean for you to be hurt or anything and I'll apologize for hurting your feelings and not speaking to you more seriously about Nicolette but I won't apologize for sleeping with her."

"why did you sleep with her?" He asked, his eyes glaring daggers at me. "do you love her?"

I swallowed my saliva. I hadn't admitted it out loud. "yeah, I do."

"then why was it so hard for you to tell me, give me a heads up a long time ago." He asked. "It would of saved a broken heart and I wouldn't get my feelings so invested in one person."

"I'm sorry for that. I wasn't aware of the outcomes of my actions." I admitted looking down at the wooden flooring. "but I do love her and I will be with her. I'm sorry if you can't cope with that. Reality is she's having my child."

"you're going to be with her?" He said, he chuckled, I was sure if he was happy or if it was a sarcastic angry chuckle. "how are you sure she wants to be with you?"

"she's having my baby." I said again.

"that doesn't mean a thing, that just means she had the hots for you one night and slept with you." He spat at me. Thank goodness Fabio and Pepe were between us right now or else his pretty face was about to be not so pretty. "you are not good for her Cristiano. you are around models 24/7 and your ego is the size of this planet no girl wants that."

"and you are better for her than me?" I folded my arms glaring at him.

"yes I am." He nodded. "I am the best fit for her, I'll actually have good intentions for and think of her before myself. I won't be selfish with her. Let's be honest here Cristiano, Selfishness is one of your greatest qualities and that's not healthy for a relationship."

"I have a son, how can I be selfish when he's my first priority. I left our game because he was in a hospital." I said.

"Yeah a friendly against a team that wasn't even in our league in a different country." Sergio rolled his eyes. "Now if that was the Champions League final would you do the same?"

I stared at him as if he had three heads. "of course I would."

"Bullshit." He spat. "If that means not getting the attention you want, your son could be dying for all we know and you'd still step up to take the penalty."

"my son's life cost way more than real madrid." I said. "I hope you know its taking alot of my strength right now to stop me from killing you right at that spot. You know what I'm not sorry anymore, i'm glad you are heartbroken, atleast now you are showing your true colors."

"you showed yours since the beginnig, it's always been the Ronaldo show but this is not a role I want to have." He shook his head.

"then leave, i'm not stopping you." I tilted my head towards the door. "you know your way out."


what side are you on? team Ronaldo or Team Ramos?

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