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I was balloon. 

I looked like one. I felt like one. There I sat my belly bigger than the rest of my body in my dark maroon dress. Nicolas stood besides me in our box as we watched the game. 

things were looking bad for Real Madrid at the moment. They lost the first legged in Italy against Juventus and were currently held at home at 1-1. 

"come on Cris." I bit my fingers nervously as time was running up for the whites. 


"You tried you're best." I stood behind him putting both my hands on his shoulders rubbing it soothingly. "there's next year." 

"you don't understand it Nicolette." He stood up causing me to drop my hands. "not everyone is as optimistic as you. They attacked Gareth's car when we lost last time, they will criticize us. The media is going to have us for lunch."

"who cares what they think, Cris." I crossed my arms, well attempted to. From my stomach to my growing breast there wasn't much room. 

"I care." He said. "This is going to be a nightmare coming back. We're already knocked out of the Copa Del Rey, Barcelona is running away with the La Liga Title and now this." 

"Cris calm down." I walked up to him, wrapping my arms around his neck. "Shhh, it's not the end of the world, at the end of the day you still have me, nicolas and a baby girl on the way that love you unconditionally." 

"I know, I'm sorry menina" His shoulders dropped abit. "I'm just scared to go out and face the crowd. I hate it when they jeer at us." 

"It'll be okay, we'll be with you." I place my palms on his cheek. "They just want what's best for you. you're the best player in the world. I know it, you know it and so does everyone else." 

"gracias amada, only you can make me feel better." He smiled down at me. His hands ran down to my belly rubbing it. "I feel her kicking." 

"yeah..that was painful." I groaned, it was in fact a painful kick. 

Cristiano chuckled. "well what do you expect? She's a Ronaldo, her kicks are powerful."

"funny." I said. 

"I love you, meu amor." He looked at me more serious now. 

"more than yourself?" 

"just a bit more than myself." He grinned.

"I love you too." I smiled. 

"more than Iker?" 

"just a bit." I replied, standing on my tip toes to kiss him. 

"ew" Nicolas walked in. 


A cute family moment yeah? BTW the gif is my favorite celebrations ever. I do it all the time after a game or during. Its so fun.

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