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Nicolette's p.o.v

I helped Cristiano take all three dishes into the kitchen. I was completely in love with his home. Everything was so new and modern and so big. Every little thing kept me in awe. His kitchen was going to be the death of me.

I followed Cristiano's instructions as I set the plates into the dishwater and added the soap before turning it on. I walked towards the granite counter island, leaning my back onto it.

"You have a really beautiful home Cristiano."

"Thank you and please call me Cris. " he smiled. "Cris is what all my friends call me."

"Cris..okay." I nodded, should I give him a nickname to call me? I thought to myself.

"So what do you do for a living?" He asked.

"Oh me? I work at this small law firm" I said.

"That's nice. " he said. I laughed in my head at his awkward attempt at a small talk.

Nicolas ran into the kitchen saving us from this awkward encounter we were facing. "Cris you have Fifa 15?"

I looked at my sons excited face. "Si, of course mijo. What would I be without fifa at my very own home" Cristiano chuckled. He walked towards Nicolas wrapping an arm around Nicolas's shoulder leading him out the door.

I stood there watching the two with a sad feeling my gut. One thing kept running in my head. Should I tell Cristiano and Nicolas the truth, the actual whole truth. But I'd have to wait on the right time. But is now the right time to do it? I mean we are all alone and nothing can't stop us.

I just had a gut feeling that right now wasn't the moment. There would be a better time for me to sit them both down together and let everything spill out but now, now was not it.

I reluctantly walked in after them towards the all so elegant living room. I saw them sitting besides each other game control in each hand. They truly were father-son. They shared the exact expression. furrowed eyebrows, staring intensely at the screen.

I sat down at the smaller couch half watching the game half watching them. They were so intriguing, making shameless bets with one another.

"If you lose, I dare you to eat goat cheese" Cristiano smirked at my son. " a whole bowl of it"

"No, he can't do that" I jumped in. "He's allergic"

Of all things he chose it had to be the one that could nearly kill my son. Cristiano looked taken aback with my sudden revelation to my sons symptoms.

"Are you serious?" Cristiano asked obviously shocked. "No way are you serious, I'm allergic to goat cheese too"

"Oh really?" They seemed to have more and more things in common everyday.

He nodded. "Yeah, I've never met anyone who shares so much things with me. Are you sure your not my long lost son?"


I settled myself in my bed tired of today. After we left Cristiano's and finally got home I went straight for my bed while I allowed Nicolas to get some tv time in. He was most likely either watching spongebob or the rerun of the Real Madrid match we were at. One or the other.

I got out my laptop from under the bed and I decided on skyping my best friend since primary school back in Manchester, Julie. She was the only person who knew about Cristiano. She was there that night I met him. To everyone else, Nicolas's father was some random stranger I had a one night stand with. That was half true he was a stranger and such but at the end I knew who he was.

Timeless // C. RonaldoWhere stories live. Discover now