The one where I stop a bully from bullying

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It was a Monday. The worst day of the week. Why? Because we have school. Did I forget to say that we always have a school? I totally did.

If you go down the hill that leads to 'The town' after you pass all the shops there is a school. It used to be a hospital but back then I wasn't even born yet.

I entered the school and got to my locker, put my backpack in it and took out my books and things for my first class.

After three endless hours of hell it was lunch time. That's when I would meet my best friend, Michael Barnes. A guy with brown hair and light brown eyes.

"Hey dude!"

"Hey girl!"

He's gayer then James Charles.

"How's your day going?"

"Eh, the usual Monday, horrible."

I said as I sat down and started eating.

"How about y-"

"Me and Jacob are together!"

My eyes widened in confusion.

"The 18 year old soccer player, that everyone is crushing on? No way he's gay."

"That's him! And he isn't gay he's bi. He came out to me and ta-da we're together!"

I scan the lunch room to find him. He was tall, dark brown hair, hazel eyes and always had a smirk on his face. He wasn't ugly, but definitely not my type. He came here when he was 14 but till then he played soccer.

That's all I read from his file. I have access to all the files of the kids how are here or have been here. Not everyone has this power. I'm superior to all the kids that are my age or younger, because I've been here for a long time. It's not only me thought, the ones how are superior also help around. There are at least 100 kids here.

I don't read the fiels of my friends, if they trust me then they'll tell me the shit they went through.

I saw Jacob sitting at the table in front of us, winking at Mike.

"If you want you can call your boyfriend to sit with you."

"But what about you."

"Don't worry about me I have some things to sort out with someone, anyway."

"Thank you so much!"

I nod and get up from the table and walk to a nearby table were 3 girls were sitting. Hellen Olga, Ashley Cross and Indigo Ingle.

Hellen is your typical light brown hair and dark brown eyes girl who doesn't like to dress fancy but she has a hand and a half. She one handed. I've known her since I first came to camp, we became friends instantly. She's two years older then me so she became a superior first. I really looked up to her, and I still do. Back when I first came here I was too young to be a superior, I've only become one this year. She's really like an older sister to me. At the start Hellen was the only shoulder I could cry on. When I got older we changed places, she told me everything about her past. I felt guilty back then... because she didn't know everything about mine.

Ashley is also a good friend of mine. She was friends with Hellen and that's how I meet her. At first I was scared of her. A girl with brown hair and dark eyes you could get hypnotized by. Look at me with a scary smile and say: "Nice to meet you, I'm Ashley!" in the sweetest voice. She's pretty crazy and reckless, but the girls in our group have gotten used to it, can't say the same about the others.

Indigo is also a good friend of mine. Same as Ash, she was friends with Hellen first and then met me. She wasn't that scary when I met her. She has long black hair and some amazing hazel eyes, that are covered by some glasses. She is super smart, like super, super smart. But she's also kind and shy. We don't say it to her face but since she became a part of the group she's been way more brave.

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