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Hisa and Alecia both walk through the streets, trying to find even a slight hint of where Ivan is. Unable to think of anything, they both went back to the base.

As soon as they arrived, the rest of the crews greeted them, asking where they have been, such and such.

"Ivan already left?" asks Alecia.

"Yeah...sorry, we couldn't hold him back..." Shun said.

Hearing this made Hisa anxious, it's as if she could predict that Ivan will be gone forever after the last time she saw him. She hasn't apologized to him yet.

"D-did he says anything about where he's going?!" Hisa asked in a panic, she couldn't lose him, she doesn't want to be left again.

The others were surprised a little bit by the sudden yell from Hisa.

", but he did tell us that he'll be going with the Youkai."

Hearing that, Hisa found an idea.

"Let me try to communicate with the other youkai in the areas." Said Hisa, looking at Alecia who nodded at her efforts.

With that, Hisa and Alecia went outside of the base, to utilize her skill. Using her skill wasn't a hard thing to do, nor calling for youkai surrounding her.

After a few seconds, one by one, youkai started gathering around her, answering her call.

"Master...we heard your call..." The youkai said, about 3 to 4 youkai are there for her.

"I'm trying to find a human with a youkai companion, can you all help me?" Hisa pleads.

Hearing the request from their master, the Youkai becomes uninterested. Dealing with humans who once had dethroned their master from her title, made the youkai grow agitated.

Seeing this, Hisa was confused about why all of them had turned their back away from her and vanished.

"W-wait! Why?!"

Ignoring their master's call, one by one starts to vanish, leaving Alecia and Hisa alone in the streets, without a single clue of the human they are searching for.

Hisa tries to use her skill once more, only to be rejected by the cooldown of 10 minutes.

This was all too much for her, if she had known that she would eventually felt this strong emotion hurdling her. She wouldn't have gone out of the scenario room.

Alecia rushed over to Hisa, to calm her down.

"'s okay, there's still time! I'm sure Ivan hadn't been out for so long. So don't worry and take a breather."

"I-I...I can't find him! The youkai are ignoring my request!" Hisa trembles as she realizes that earlier, might be the last time she ever saw Ivan.

"H-how about walking forward? We might find him accidentally!" Alecia said, in an effort to cheer up Hisa.

Hisa nodded, trying to stand upright, and continued for Ivan.


It has been several minutes from the first time that Hisa tried to ask for the Youkai's help and the cooldown has vanished.

She stops to use her skill once more, to find Ivan.

Just like before, Youkai starts to gather around her.

"Master...we are here..."

Hisa mustered up the courage to speak.

"Please, do not ignore me after I said my request...I'm trying to locate a human with a youkai companion, can you all please tell me any clue that you have about them?"

Hearing that, the same reaction began to appear. Youkai would murmur between their kinds and bow down as a way of saying sorry.

Hisa tried so hard to stop the Youkai from leaving her again, but it was all in vain...except for one.

A little fox Youkai had stayed.

"C-can you tell me-"

"Master. Don't you have any idea why they have left?"

Hisa shakes her head, "Tell me!"

"I will tell you, with the cost of your honesty."

Hisa was confused by that sentence, "What do you mean?"

"What do you think of humans after getting your title as a master, stripped off of you?"

Hearing the Youkai's question, Hisa was stunned.

"I...I resent them..."

The Youkai nodded.

"Are you starting to get the gist of it, master?"

Hisa tries to connect the dots, of why her own loyal followers, have rejected her request so coldly. Then it hits.

"...Is it because I was dethroned...?"

The youkai clapped their hands together, laughing like a crazy being.

"Bravo! See master? you managed to know the answer by yourself! Seeing you kicked out from the throne you used to reign over the spirits, has crushed our relationships with the humans! We think of them as trash, an ungrateful being, who wants nothing more than power."

That's right, Hisa once resented the humans for making her like this...but, Ivan is different.

"...That's true, Humans were and are still, beings who used me as a stepping stone to garner my power...I truly resented them...but, all of that changes! Ivan is not like any other human being, nor his companions! Ivan never thinks of me as a tool to achieve a selfish goals, he sets me free of being a mere subject of a scenario...He cared for me, he protects me!" Hisa lashed out all of her pent-up anger inside of her and changed it into a protest against those Youkai who believed her request was ridiculous.

"I see...if that's what you think of them... very well."

Hisa sighs in relief.

"Behind a convenience store, near the Roppongi theatre is the location."

Hearing that, gave Hisa hope.

"Thank you!" Hisa said, turning her head towards Alecia.

"Behind a convenience store, near the Roppongi theatre!" Hisa said joyfully.

Alecia then searched for the location and nodded to Hisa when she found the exact location.

They then ran towards the destination, hearts pounding very fast, maybe it was because they were running normally without any attribute, but maybe also from knowing that they finally get to see Ivan.

Hisa and Alecia arrived at the supposed location of the hidden scenario, they managed to get there using the help of the fox youkai, without them, they might regret ever letting go of Ivan.

The first thing that they see, is smoke that covers the whole area. Hearing the clap of someone, the smoke vanishes. Finally, they could see Ivan.

"Wait...isn't supposed to be a hidden scenario? Then, why are there other players?" Hisa asked, turning her face to see Alecia's face plastered with worries as she saw her brother's face.

The memories of when he had to see, someone die in front of him, come back to haunt him.

Ivan stood there, blankly, unable to process anything that was happening around him.

Before Alecia could shout her brother's name, a door appeared out of nowhere. She couldn't see what was on the other side of the door, but looking at the game master stunt reaction was clear to her that something unimaginable was there.

Multiple strings shoot out of the door, wrapping around Ivan.


The whispers kept telling him to do that, but he just....couldn't.

In the end, Ivan was taken away.

Nb : i'm so sorry about the late update, i fell asleep early last night

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