(TW: Panic Attack)
...Something sent a shiver down Krit's spine...
...But it wasn't the pain...
...It was the number...
...On the ATM...
...It was $-498,363.
He was $500K in debt.
Krit froze in place, He couldn't trust his eyes, He couldn't trust anything... And after a while of blankly staring into the cold, Bright, ATM screen...
...Krit yelled out, Uncontrollably. His voice beckoned around the walls, The small room was almost shaking from the loudness.
He had one dream, And all of a sudden, $500,000 just disappears from his bank account? He was begging in his mind, Hoping that it was just some machine error, So he took the card out, And stuffed it back in, But unfortunately, The number did not change.
...Still, Krit had a small bit of hopefulness remaining in his brain.
"Maybe things will be alright tomorrow..."
...Will this slight positivity help? Nobody knows, Not even Krit himself.
He's already beginning to feel despair, Alongside many other ominous feelings. He took a long, Shaky sigh, Took the card out and left the bank.
The night was extra cold, And a few faint road lamps couldn't cover up the whole road no matter how they try... Wind blew against Krit's neck, Causing him to shiver... Everything... From the physical feeling to mental stress... Is bring him back to that night...
"Why... Why!? Why can't I just stay happy!?"
Krit's own voice floated around his mind, As another sigh came out of his mouth. He looked over to the truck, Parked on the side of the road. The dark, orange road lamp light painted all over it. It used to bring joy into Krit's heart whenever he looks at it, But this time, The despair and fear was too strong to defeat... So he just got into the car, And drove home...
...Standing on the concrete plate, He looked around, No bed, He forgot to get one... But different from last night, He has a truck now, Which he could use to drive to the shores and sleep there again.
So he threw his fishing rod and the bait into the truck storage, And drove onto the shores. Although the world seemed to be falling apart right in front of Krit's eyes, He still found peace from the rolling sea waves and the soft sand.
Lying down, He rolled around, It was really comfortable, And the air was refreshing, He could easily fall asleep if his heart hasn't been bombed by his remaining balance of his credit card just now...
"...####... How do I pay the debt if it's real..."
...Anxiety began to rise, As Krit opened and closed his eyes. He felt as if someone had been watching him, And rolled around on the beach... It doesn't help with the issue at all, And he could swear he was having a headache from all this.
He was lost, He was bewildered, How did he suddenly sink into the deep hole of -$500K? It's not like he bought anything, He didn't even spend his money on anything other than a new fishing rod and a truck, Which only took him around 250$.

Krit's Islander Career
ParanormalKrit, A random Robloxian, Will now be put onto an island full of unsolved mysteries... As a random innocent passer-by. There are conflicts, There are, Well, Unexplainable phenomenons. But that's nothing! Right? As long as the island is charming enou...