6: Broad Midnight Familiarity

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...A blinding white light shined into his eyes from the above... And he woke up.

With "What the hell?" as the only thought he had in mind, He shakily stood up...

...And immediately felt light-headed, His sight just went dark, And his heart pounded against his chest.

In a panic, He eagerly held onto something, And just stayed there as he slowly recovered...

Well... Seems like he held onto a tree... Still breathing heavily, He slowly dragged his legs forward, And got away from the tree... Looking back, Grass, Rocks, Trees... He found this oddly familiar, But didn't mind so much.

When he looked around, He saw some buildings, But it seemed like they were all closed... And that's when he finally realized that he should take a look at the sky, It's pitch black, Midnight.

There are a few faint, Orange road lamps around, But they couldn't illuminate the road at all, They just make it look more ominous than how it already is...

But still, He didn't mind, He wanted to just get somewhere, Somewhere he could spend the night at...

...He really wanted to enter one of the buildings as if he'd find someone in there, But the lights are off, And it's locked, So he could only follow the road...


...Some walking was done...

...And he stood in front of some sort of a base plate, A concrete base with no building, But a bed, An oven and a truck on it.

"Huh... That's weird... What kind of decoration is this?"

Curiosity got the best of him, And he cautiously stepped onto the base plate... It felt... Right... And welcoming...

But he knew he'd never been here before, He had no idea where he even is. He could only go with the guess that it's an island, An obviously civilized one as well, But how did he even get here? He just randomly found himself lying on the ground, In some sort of woods...

Well, He was stuck in a box of thoughts and questions, And that apparently is not going to get him through the night. Plus, There's a feeling inside of his body, A feeling that makes him weak, And tired, But can't sleep... A feeling, That's familiar.


But why is hunger so familiar? He'd just gotten here, And he doesn't know anything...

...He can't stay there, He has to deal with the hunger before it becomes too overwhelming.

He looked through the base plate, Looking for things that can help, Under the bed, Inside the truck, And found a fishing rod, And a box of bait.

He felt pretty happy about his discoveries, Despite the fact that he's being a thief.

"...I'm sure they'll understand... I'll return these later anyway..."

These thoughts definitely made him feel better about his actions, Plus, He was starving, It's his only choice if he wants to survive.

...Looking at the truck, It felt oddly comforting to see it... It's metallic shell just reflecting the glow from the road lamps... But there's no time for admiring the beauty in small things.

If he was right about this place being an island, He'd definitely be able to find the seaside if he just keeps walking towards one direction... And then follow that direction back to this concrete plate for the oven...

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