Le Petit Mort

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Quick climaxes upon hungry thrusting fingers that delves deeply searching..
seeking the rough calluses upon your fingers to replace my softer ones...
small incessant moans unable to be hidden escape from between my parched lips..
thirsting for the smoky masculine flavor of your lips to cease the cries... and yet... I am alone...
another lying next to me..
sleeping restlessly as my satisfaction pounds in my ears...
thoughts of you...
drape me..
small surges of electrical lusting threaten daily to spill over into electrical storms...
so I contain myself...
knowing I cannot even audibly utter your name... the sleeping one next to me might arouse...
so, keeping you locked away, I occasionally must pull you out... my heart...
my love...
effervescent, clear, yet so depressing to me... for as I think of you, my heart stutters in beat...
wishing you were lying awake in twin pleasure with me... stifling moans...
wishing I was caressing you... your calling of my name a shout..
nay, only inside,
as there also be one lying next to you..
one that your heart already beats for...
she cannot know...

So, I place you away, deep inside my little box of my broken heart as my love for you speeds through every blood vessel.. I know utterly I am alone, and all that I have of you are wet, moan-stifled,
short climaxes

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