Enslaved, starved, stripped naked from my spirit, my flesh died many deaths, all in horror I witnessed each one of them..bloody, each one became erst more so, as I cowered , numb from the pain of submissiveness.. and yet my soul stood still. Searched. Found, my spirit, and pulled my she ghost life force within. It's embrace. Greater than one decade my youth, it's gloriously faded livelihood I somehow loved it away from me, spreading thin, then giving none, not one crumb to feed hand to mouth, as I should, nourish, l-o-ve me.
My soul. Stood. Stock still. Eyes wide open, mothering, nursing, ministering to the burdened down, lost innocence shell of my ethereal being. Waiting.
Now. I have died my last, but only one TRUE death, succumbed, took the last faltered breath, ceased now silent my earthly battered, bruised, bleeding heart.. no longer shall it beat.
Bury me.
Write this one REAL epitaph upon the stone embedded onto the earth greater than a foot the height of me.
My body died, gave in, finally. For, it could take no more sorrow, no more pain, nor the abuse from those who claimed they loved me.
Do not feel anger, sadness, or wonder as to why, how, and what ever could have become of me.. for MY STRONG AND WISE SOUL HOLDS HANDS WITH MY BEAUTY AND REMARKABLE ONE OF A KIND SPIRIT SHE AND I AM NOW SHED OF THAT WHICH BOUND ME BUT COULD NOT DESTROY ME.
PoetryA purging of the mind, heart, and spirit. . the soul bled through virtual ink.. a melding of words of which i call poetry