New World

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I smell rain. I am waking up! I am outside. I try to open my eyes to see where I am. Did they drag my body out of the palace? Did they give me an antidote before I could die? I am going to kill my sister. How could she betray me like this? Over some man. I cannot believe Raella would try to kill me. I am laying on my back, when I open my eyes I have my hand floating above my head, they are covered in dirt. I try to put them down to stabilize myself to sit up. As I sit up I begin to gag. I lean over and puke on the ground. Once the nausea has passed I open my eyes to see where I am. I see a glass building. I blink a few times and rub my eyes. I don't know of a glass building.

I open my eyes again and give them time to adjust to the dark and the rain. I sit up looking around me. I am really next to a building that looks completely glass. On top of it is the bright sign that says, "the Peacock". I have never heard of a glass building or seen a sign made up of lights. I am confused. I start to dust off my clothes. They feel...different. I look down and I am wearing men's clothes! Did some male sneak me out of the palace to save me?!  I look down at what I am wearing and shake my head. This is men's clothes like I have never seen before. There is a shirt made of some softer material that has an image on it and these blue pants that are a material I would only see on luggage. I cannot make sense of where I got these clothes.  

A couple stumbles out of the door of the Peacock building. They stare at me for a minute. I honestly cannot make sense of who is the man and who is the woman. The taller one has long hair like a woman, is wearing pants like a man, and is very burly. The shorter one has short hair, like a man, but is wearing tight fitting clothes like a woman. Perhaps a corset? They are both shocked to see me sitting on the floor. The shorter one walks over and asks, "are you okay? Should we call you an Uber?"I didn't respond. I have no idea what they mean "call you an uber." The confused look on my face gives away my feelings. The shorter one walks closer to me and offers a hand to help pull me up. The hand is definitely feminine and soft. She smiles at me as I stand up. "Maybe you shouldn't drink so much if you are out by yourself. You don't want some creep to take you home." The taller one helps hold me up. He is clearly a man when I get closer to his face, some facial hair. Perhaps they are actors? I say, "Thank you so much for helping me," and then I bow. The two start laughing. The guy goes to ask, "are you really okay? We could take you to the ER." Once again, I don't know how to respond to this. 

The woman looks around the ground and then shouts, "There it is!" She bends down to pick up a bag off of the ground. She opens it up and starts rifling around in it. She pulls out two small rectangular shaped objects. The first one she opens up and inside she finds plastic cards. She smiles. She pulls out one and says, "I found you, Olivia Smith!" Then she says, "here is your phone, why don't you use it to call for a ride home." I don't know what she is talking about yet again. It's like I am in a foreign country trying to make sense of a new language. I look at the second smaller rectangle that the woman is trying to hand me. I notice some buttons and press one. It lights up the device. I look shocked and amazed. With this the woman starts laughing. "You must be super wasted. Come here, I will help you." She then presses a button on the phone, it lights up, and then the woman takes my hand and puts my index finger right up to the device again. A image appears on it. She clicks a strange button on it and the device starts ringing. A female voice comes next. They ask if the person is friends with Olivia Smith, the female responds, "I guess you could say that." Then they give her the location of the Peacock and hang up. 

They two wait with me until the the female shows up to claim me. I am so confused that everyone assumes that I look like this Olivia Smith person. Next, a female arrives in some strange carriage that is compelled by something that is not horses. I look at their transportation vehicles with awe. This is amazing. Where ever I ended up, they have advanced technology beyond anything I ever saw in Pergamum. It's exciting to know that I at least escaped somewhere when some servant snuck me out. They must have brought me here while I recovered from the poisoning. The person who came to claim me is a young female. She is basically wearing shorts the size of her underwear and a shirt with no sleeves. I cannot fathom that she is anything but a prostitute. Who else would dress like this. She grabs me by my arm and starts to seat me in her car. I ask, "who are you?" She rolls her eyes, "you are such a mess. Mom is going to kill you for being so stupid. She taught us better than making yourself an easy victim." At this, she sits down and starts driving the carriage herself. She is dressed like a prostitute but knows how to operate this advanced technology. I am still super confused.

She brings me to a giant building. It's bigger than my palace back home. Is this where she lives? I gasp. It's massive. She grabs my bag and pulls out a set of keys from the purse that was found near me. She shakes them and asks me, "Do you remember which one is yours? I haven't been here." I look confused. I shake my head no. Is she implying that I LIVE HERE? In this palace. It's pretty old and run down on the outside, but its massive. I guess it could be worse. I just need a good night's sleep and then I can try to find my way back home. I really want to tell everyone what my sister did to me. She deserves to die. How could she poison me on her wedding day? I need to set things right. My companion and I walk up to the palace. One of my keys opens the first door. It's amazing. I look around inside and I am confused. This is like no palace I have ever seen. My companion looks at the key and realizes there is a number on my key. She explains that it probably matches the number on my door. I have never seen a place like this. People stare at the two of us walking down the hallway. Finally we come to a door with a number that matches the number on the key. We try the key and the door opens. 

My face instantly drops when I see the inside. It's one room that has both kitchen items and sleeping items. I see the door to another room. Ahh, the rest of the space. I open the door and there is a closet sized bathroom. It includes a toilet, sink, and a tub. This is it?! How poor must one be to live permanently in a place like this. My companion grabs me. "Sorry about the fight between us yesterday. I know we have a weird relationship to begin with, but please don't shut me out. We are all we really have." She looks awkwardly at me, gives me a hug, and then says, "don't forget to wash your hair and dry it before you sleep tonight. I don't want you to get sick." With that, she closes the door behind herself and is gone. 

I go to the bathroom and look in the mirror. How could anyone confuse me with a person who lives here? I look in the mirror and I scream. The face looking back at me is different. I stop and make faces in the mirror. To test if the reflection is really mine. It is. Tears start to well up in the eyes of this person. I pull out the plastic card that identified me as Olivia Smith. I look at the picture on it. That's definitely who is in the picture. But how can it be? My memory is that of Anaphalia Lynette of Pergamum. I see that on the plastic ID card is what I assume is an address. The numbers and words all jumble together, but the bottom line does say, "Los Angeles, CA, 90003. I pause at that clue. Despite my mind having so many things on it, my body is foggy and tired. I realize that I am not going to figure anything out right now and decide to go to sleep. At least beds are still the same here. If not nearly as comfortable as the one I had at home. But I grab the blankets and go to sleep. Leaving this problem to be solved in the light.

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