The new kid.

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Two weeks have passed from the first day at school after summer break. I still grieved from the sudden death of my parents. I still feel...paralysed everytime I think of the scene. The goddamn fucking scene.

The teachers were also very patient with me and they would not pressure me with work. It was kind of unusual to be honest because last year they were the complete opposite.

But now, two weeks in and there were tests and many competitions, whether it was in physics, chess or...any school subject or hobby in general.

The tests were sudden but..i'm managing to get through them. As I said before, i'm trying to become a good student and i'm trying to be someone in the future.

17.1.2009, Wednesday, 9:50 AM.

Agh, second class just finished. I just wanted to go home already.

Now it was lunch.

"Hey Mia! Lunch?" Leah asked as she approached me with a small smile.

"Hey Leah, yeah. We're going to lunch, but let me go get these books in my locker first." I smile slightly as I hold the books in my hands

"Oh, it's fine. I'll go with you." She said with a small smile.

We walked and talked as we went to my locker. I opened up my locker and put the books in, aswell as some other essentials such as some pads and an extra deodorant incase I forget one.

I put the things in the locker and shut it closed, turning around to Leah. As I looked around before we went to the cafeteria, I saw a guy I haven't seen here before, like ever in this school.

Oh God, this is embarrasing. I thought I knew everyone in my school.

He cornrows and a black bandana tied on his forehead. he also had a black baggy jacket matched with black baggy jeans and some white nike shoes that complimented his plain black sweater.

He looked intimidating with his face looking like he was mad and could snap your neck in half if you told him anything. He was also tall like Bill. He could be some sort of basketball player.

Maybe he's a new student? I don't know.

I see girls were already drooling over him. I looked to my left and saw one of the popular girls, Adriana, fangirling over him already. Adriana was one of the meanest people I know, but I guess she's got that pretty privilege that makes everyone forgive her for how she acts. I think only the teachers and the principal don't spare her, and I love that honestly.

She's got this long blond hair with brown eyes. She always talks about clothing, makeup and boys, just like a teenage girl. She's got the ideal body and to be honest, half of the girls in school wanted to be her. I mean, I would be lying if I said I didn't want to be her.

She's got almost every boy wrapped around her finger. The thing I hate about her is that she is a player, but I don't really care. As long as she's not bothering me with her comments.

"Yo Mia, who's that?" Leah asked me as she pointed to the supposed new guy.

"I don't know. I've never saw him before." I say as I shrug my shoulders.

"Neither did I. Maybe he's new?" She said with an curious expression.

"I don't know, nor do I care Leah. Let's go to lunch." I say as I look at her.

"Right, right. Let's go." She said as we walked to the cafeteria.

We sat down on our table we usually sat on with Bill, but..Bill wasnt here today. Sometimes he likes to skip school, so we didnt got worried too much. Leah texted him but he wasnt replying, probably sleeping or something.

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