Ricardo 2

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I don't know what was pissing me off more, the fact that after the first few punches I couldn't hit or the fact that he wouldn't let me hit him as he dipped and dodged every punch while not even making an attempt to stop me. His strategy was pretty obvious, he let me get off a few and now he was planning on letting me exhaust myself until I was calm.... I wasn't about to let him get the other hand and as pissed as I was in that moment I needed to restrategize because it was becoming clear that beating his ass was pointless. I stopped swinging and there was about a full minute of silence between us before I stormed off to the bathroom and splashed some cold water on my face, I stayed in there for about ten minutes trying to figure out how I wanted to approach this situation. When I walked back into the living room, Alejandro was still standing in the same spot I had left him and it took everything in me not to attack him again, instead, I took the time to study him... he looked different and yet, there was no mistaking the fact that this was my husband and he looked even better than I remembered. Instead of the lean muscle he had when he left, Dro was bulkier but not body builder size, it was somewhere between lean and thick if that makes sense. He was also darker... and I wasn't complaining he had gone from damn near light skin to a roasted pecan color, however, there was one thing that was causing me to fold, something he didn't have when he left.....

"Can I see him?" Dro asked breaking the silence and it took me about three seconds to realize who he was talking about. I had anticipated this question and as pissed as I was.... Look I NEVER wanted to keep Julio away from Dro, I don't care how mad I was it wasn't fair to either of them. "I'm sorry... I think we should f... talk first." Dro said smirking a little.

"You mean see him again?" I corrected. "Julio spotted you earlier, I don't appreciate you sneaking back and traumatizing my baby.... he was distraught and I had to be the one to dry his tears." I said and at least Dro had the decency to look ashamed. "Better him than Adrian I guess because he would've put a bullet in your leg." I said.

"Yeah, Adrian isn't the calmest... lil dude done stole my whole aesthetic." Dro said smirking. "But he looks good... I got a lot of catching up to do with him as well." Dro said sitting down.

"What about Amaury?" I asked and the look on his face gave the whole game away. "Oh, so you've been in contact with Amaury... got it. Now I have to add him to my list of people I need to cuss out... who else knew you were back?" I asked.

"It's not like that, I flew in through Houston and stayed the night there... he just so happen to have a show there and I figured I could go to him for advice... I asked him not to say anything." Dro said. "Now can we talk like adults? I'm not trying to rush things but my time here is limited and as happy as I am to see you, I really wanna see Julio more... no offense." Dro said.

"I don't think that's a good idea... since it's pretty obvious from your last statement that you're not staying so you coming back just to leave again... I can't and won't put Julio through that." I said and he had the nerve to look pissed, I felt bad because Julio deserved to see his dad but if Dro was going to just leave again.... "So you cut your hair and grew out that stupid ass beard." I said changing the subject.

"I thought you'd like it... I wanted to try something different." Dro said rubbing it and I could just tell it was soft and smelled good as fuck. "Babyface Dro had to go, no one took me seriously so I had to grow up...." Dro said shrugging.

"I fuckin hate it...." I said even though, in that exact moment....

"Yeah right Cardo, you know damn well you can't wait to sit on it." Dro said smiling, we sat there staring at each other and I was folding fast, I didn't know how much longer I was going to last. Thankfully, his phone started ringing which gave me the escape I needed.

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