Chapter 22

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The sounds of water crashing towards the shore was heard in the background. The crisp cold air danced around without a care, nothing to hold it back. The full moon lit up the night sky in it's all beautiful presence, shinning down it's reflection in the water. The world of two was at capacity, leaving no room for anyone else. Two lovers gazed into each others eyes with adoration. Both melted in the warmth of affection in each other's embrace. They held each other like two puzzle pieces that finally found their match. They swayed side to side, following the wind in it's freedom. 

She rested her head onto his chest while he led their dance. He had an arm around her waist and a hand that held hers. His eyes were closed as he savored the peace between them. The world of bliss was an amazing feeling they shared. There were no worries between them. There was nothing that bothered them. There was nothing they desired more than to be together. They were completely inseparable.

Her black dress flowed in the wind as he twirled her. She smiled, giving him the most alluring scene of her. His felt his face heat up, eyes widen at the beautiful woman in front of him. He was unaware that his jaw dropped. He was grateful for his lover. He felt like the most blessed man in the world. To have her in his life is his most precious treasure. A treasure that he would cherish and protect. The fact that she shared the same feelings for him made it perfect. It was the perfect dream. At least, she thought it was a dream.

Eleanor fell in and out of sleep. She couldn't tell when she was awake or sleeping. She kept trying to decipher whether her mind was giving her hallucinations or dreams. Henry still kept her bound and blinded. To her, it felt like an incredibly long time since she last met with Henry. She guessed that serval days may have passed since servants came by time to time to feed and care for her. They changed her out of her blood-soiled nightgown into dresses, though, her wounds were still left untouched.

The amount of 'free time' she had left her to fight an internal battle within herself. Whether they were hallucinations or dreams, they all were about her beloved doctor. The visions were making it difficult for her to accept her situation. Since loosing him, she has had no desire to care. There was no point in anything anymore. All of her emotions disappeared leaving her in an empty shell.

Eleanor laid there motionless. She was a shell full of sorrows. She had no desire to do anything. There was no longer motivation to continue to fight. Her tears dried out leaving no more to shed. Her depression kept taking her to a deeper and darker part of her mind. She was so desperate to reunite with him that she thought about taking her own life, but was unable to do much with the restraints. All she wanted was to wither away until there was nothing left of her. The light in her soul went out, giving the darkness the opportunity to take over.

The servants entered her cell. They lifted her limp form into a sitting position and began undressing her. They released her wrists from the restraints as they removed her chemise and dress. They carefully lifted her and took her to the washroom. She hardly noticed they were there until the servants started dressing her.

They would dress her in a chemise and dress. Something simple since she's kept in her cell. But today was different. They dressed her in stockings, a corset, chemise, and many more layers, as if she were going to an event. She felt something roll over her lips and a plush pad pat her face. Her hair was played with and put up. To complete the process, she felt shoes placed on her feet.

She expected the servants to replace the restraints on her wrists, but instead, they guided her to stand. As she stood, her feet gave out, nearly falling to the floor. The wounds on her ankle joints did not heal properly. She needed assistance to walk. The servants placed her back to sit on the bed and looked at each other. They were still not allowed to help her in any way.

One of the servants left to inform Henry of the situation while the other stayed with Eleanor. She was trying to figure out why the servants had dressed her in such fashion. She wondered if Henry had something planned for her. If Henry truly had a purpose for her, she would carry it out without question. She told herself 'I must be the perfect wife.'

Her thoughts ceased when she felt a hand caress her cheek.

"My, You truly are beautiful my love." Henry spoke.

Eleanor disregarded her own feelings as they were useless to her now.

"Thank you." She said politely.

Henry admired her for a second more before scooping her into his arms and carrying her out of her cell. Caught off guard by his sudden motion, Eleanor wrapped her arms around his neck, afraid to fall. Henry smiled at this. 

They walked for what seemed like a while to Eleanor. They ascended the stairway leading to the entrance of the manor.  Eleanor heard what sounded like music coming from afar. She wondered if there was an event of some sort.

Henry came up to a door, having the servants open it. He walked inside, heading towards the sofa and placing Eleanor on it. Eleanor felt a shiver. Other than Henry, she sensed another presence.  She decided to stay silent as speaking without permission would be improper. She straightened her posture and rested her hands on her lap. Despite her blind fold, she held her chin high. 

She heard the door to the room close followed by silence. She squeezed her hands together. Her posture became tense. She didn't know if she was alone. She was afraid to speak up in case someone was here. She shivered once more as she felt a warm breath against her neck. Rough hands started to caress her shoulders. 

"Eleanor my wife, I am going to remove your blindfold, but you are to keep your eyes closed until my command. Do you understand?" His voice held a sight tone of warning. 

Eleanor nodded. "Yes, I understand." 

Henry untied her blindfold and let it fall to the floor. He leaned over the sofa to make sure she was complying to his command, to which she was. Satisfied at her obedience, he gave her a small kiss on her cheek. Eleanor kept her eyes closed and did not reacted. She maintained her stoic expression, not allowing for any emotion to surface. 

Henry wrapped his arms around her figure from behind and lowered himself to kiss her neck. While her face still held no emotion, her body gave another story. She clenched her hands more as she began to tremble. With great effort, she forced herself to still. Now that they were married,  there was nothing she could do to stop him. He had the power to do whatever he wanted. 

Henry moved his lips to her ear. 

"Your eyes will remain closed. You have been poisoned which caused you to loose your sight. You are forbidden to open them unless you have my explicit permission. Do you understand?" He whispered in her ear.

Eleanor gulped, swallowing her fear. "Yes, I understand." 

Henry grinned as he claimed another victory over her. 

"Wonderful. Come now darling. We have a ball to attend." 

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