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going into the sixth year of the academy, the last thing that haruto expected was to be called into the headmaster's office

"cadet-captain ishikawa, reporting as ordered, imamura-sensei" i said with a salute

"at ease, taisa" the headmaster said, in his usual gravelly voice, i moved to parade rest

"cadet, you currently command the most prestigious vessel in this academy" he said

"sir, i do my best to honor the assignment given to me sir" i replied

"and you do so, i have heard that you have been asked to take on the position of cadet-taishō for your own squadron" the headmaster said

"yes sir but i haven't put much thought into it, as such is not assigned until a students seventh year" i said

"true, but there are exceptions to almost every rule, you are being granted the rank of taishō, you have two weeks to put a squad of ships together, after which you and your squad will depart to meet the battleship: kaga, and her escorts" the headmaster said

"may i ask what the rush is" i asked, there was a pause

"the ICW has decided to reinstate the triwizard tournament, the purpose is to promote international relations at least that's what it says on paper, however both the british and the french are bitter rivals, do to the number of wars they have had against one another, as such, and to further promote international relations, our school has been called to act as the official nonbiased forth party, we, or rather you and your fellow cadets will be taking over most administrative tasks for the tournament, you, your commanding officer, admiral yamaguchi, who commands the kaga, and a third judge of your choice, the three of you will act as the announcers and judges for the tournament your job is to also recruit, if you can fresh blood from outside our native nation, is always a pleasant experience especially for our R&D team, you will be representing both our school and the ICW as a whole" the headmaster said

"may i ask why i was chosen, an eighth or ninth year officer could take charge of the mikuma and i could be transferred to another ship" i said

"this is true, however, you were chosen for the mikuma because of your spotless record, once assigned a command post, it is rare you will be transferred unless we believe you should be rewarded as was the case when we transferred you from the niizuki, there is no higher post in this academy then the mikuma after all, or not one yet, this is a voluntary mission cadet if you choose not to take it we will find someone else, but i implore you to give it some thought you have two weeks put your squadron together, and give me your answer then" the headmaster said

"understood commandant" i said

"dismissed " he said, i bowed and left

i was escorted to my new office within the academy, that all taishō were given, i dismissed the cadet, and snapped my fingers

"ishikawa-sama, calls for goh" the house-elf asked

"fetch me shizuka and bring her to me please, fetch sayuri as well" i said, the elf nodded a few moments later the two walked in to the office

"you've been named taishō, don't you need to test for that" shizuka asked

"there are exceptions to almost every rule, the commandant has told me, i have two weeks to put our squadron together, i do hope i can count on the noshiro" i said hopefully, she smiled and gave him a peck on the lips

"of course you can, my ship is yours, taishō" she said

"good, i am naming you squadron executive" i said, she shook her head

"understood" she said

"now then, since my XO and adjutant are here, please help" i said

"what's the rush" she asked

"our squadron is leaving, i am sure another squadron will be joining us, to fully show off what we can do" i said

"show off" shizuka asked confused

"i do not know weather this is secret or not, so until further notice what is said, does not leave this room" i said, the two nodded

"apparently our school has been named the unbiased forth party to the recently revived triwizard tournament, we will be rendezvousing with the kaga and her escorts, wherein our combined flotilla will make their way for scotland, our job is to administrate the tournament and overall act as impartial as possible, we also have the unofficial mission of recruiting newblood" i said

"so we are just going to mingle while an admiral does the administrative tasks" sayuri said dismissively

"no, the admiral is impartial judge number one, i and cadet-captain tsuchida, are impartial judge two and three, and that is simply what i know right now, i have a feeling we will be briefed by the admiral when we meet" i said

"wait they are having us act as the judges too" sayuri said surprised

"i think this is as much a test for us as it is for the other schools, the admiral will likely be watching us like a hawk" shizuka said

"my thoughts exactly, so our squadron needs to be the best" i said, the two nodded as we sat down and got to work

as it turned out haruto was right and wrong, he was right in the fact a second squadron would be assigned, but he was wrong in that it was a secret, as the entire thing was announced as a competition, the fourty-seventh assault squadron, commanded by cadet-captain ogura megumi, a rather no-nonsense eighth year woman, who's fleet had won three consecutive years in a row, she was proud of her ship the nagara-class cruiser natori

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