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When the school day had finished, I drove to the park near my house where I had told Tristan to meet me after school. The sun was slowly beginning to set, casting long, golden shadows across the tree-lined streets.

As I pulled into the gravel parking lot, I could see that the park was almost completely empty, besides a few people scattered around here and there.


I parked my car and stepped out, the breeze brushing against my skin. I made my way to a secluded area with a bench near the edge of the park, partially hidden by a cluster of tall, leafy trees.

As I walked, I couldn't help but bask in the peaceful silence of the park, listening to the sounds of the wind gently blowing and leaves rustling along the ground. Finally feeling calm after a long day.

I reached the bench and sat down, taking a deep breath. I looked at my phone to see a text from Tristan one minute ago saying he was five minutes away.

As I waited I went through my phone, replying to messages from my friends.

After a few minutes, I saw him approaching from the far side of the park, still in his uniform, though now he was wearing a hoodie on top.

"Hey," he said as he reached the bench, dropping his backpack on the ground and sitting next to me. "You look good."

"Just give me what I came for, Tristan," I replied curtly, avoiding his gaze.

"Sure, sure," he said, his tone dripping with sarcasm. "No need to be rude. How's your good friend Miss Beaumont? Heard you had a little chat with her."

I glared at him, my patience wearing thin. "None of your business. Just give me the stuff."

"It kind of is my business, considering I almost got arrested," he said, his voice suddenly taking on a more serious tone.

"What?" I replied in genuine shock. I had no idea he had even been caught.

"Fucking bitch told the head, who threatened to call the police," He said while shaking his head, his voice sounding slightly amused. "Of course my parents were able to take care of it though,"

I knew what he meant by that, his parents had donated some buildings to our school and basically owned some of it so they had most likely bribed the school or threatened to pull their funding.

His family–The Montgomery's were amongst some of the richest and most powerful families in London as well as mine.

That was part of the reason he and I had ended up dating, because our parents had basically forced us together so they could befriend each other for their own social benefits.

"Well, I got three weeks of detention, so..." I trailed off

"That's it?" he said, sounding flabbergasted as he whipped his head in my direction to face me, his eyes wide with confusion written all over his face.

"I had to like- beg her not to tell anyone..." I said while shrugging, hoping he wouldn't ask any other questions.

Luckily, he didn't say anything else. He just leaned back onto the back of the bench and hummed in acknowledgement while slowly nodding.

I could tell he was thinking something but when he never said anything I decided to change the subject. "So do you have it or not?" I asked, pulling the money out of my pocket.

"Have what?" he questioned as he feigned confusion with brows furrowed.

"I don't have time for this, Tristan." I told him, rolling my eyes in frustration as I threw the numerous ten and twenty pound notes into his lap.

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