Chapter Two

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Chapter Two: Ellen left the supermarket with more than she came in for. She was a little disappointed that she hadn't seen the guy with the freckles again but was more worried about the challenge of carrying six bags back to her car, which was over half an hour away.

She became lost in her own thoughts as she walked through the streets, dodging the crowds of people wherever she went. She became so occupied with what she was thinking that she almost bumped right into him!...He was even more striking up close.

"Sorry, would you like me to carry some of the bags for you?" He asked. He had a noticeable English accent and his voice was soft and gentle.

"You don't have to," Ellen replied, shocked at his generosity, but he had already taken four of the bags off her. They walked down the street together, he was wearing jeans and an oversized sweater. They started talking and Ellen found that she was really enjoying herself, he was funny and kind, he also had lots of interesting stories to tell.

"Here's my car" Ellen said as they approached a white fiat 500 with red leather seats. It was her pride and joy, she had saved up for years to buy that little thing. She rummaged in her bag for her keys, she started to frown, she checked her pockets and then her bag again, but the keys were nowhere to be found.

"Would you like a lift?"

"It's okay" Ellen replied. "I don't even know your name!" she added with a small laugh.

"It's Eddie, c'mon I insist!"

"Ok...if you insist" she said hesitantly. Eddie's face broke into a massive smile and he lead her to a shiny silver Aston Martin.

"My names Ellen" she told him as she climbed into the car.

"Nice to meet you Ellie" Eddie answered. The way he said her name sent a shiver down her spine.

They pulled up at Ellen's house about two hours later. They would have got there a lot sooner but Eddie got lost...twice. Ellen didn't mind though, she'd had an amazing time with Eddie, it was so easy to talk to him, like they'd known each other forever!

"I'll walk you to your flat" Eddie said, walking round and opening the car door for Ellen.

"Oooooh Eddie, you gentleman" Ellen teased.

"Anything for you Ellie" Eddie shot back with a grin. They raced each other up the stairs to the top floor,

"Here we are then" panted Ellen, "thank you so much for the lift!"

"Don't worry you can repay me next time" Eddie joked. She laughed and opened the door revealing a large penthouse.

"You mean there's going to be a next time" Ellen said, raising an eyebrow.

"You bet! I know where you live now anyway" Eddie winked at her "see you soon" he said, in a sing-songy voice and walked away. Ellen went into her flat smiling.

That night, all Ellen could think about was Eddie. His face, his smile, his voice. She kept telling herself not to become too attached, that it would never work, but she was desperate to spend more time with him.

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