Chapter One

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Chapter One: Ellen climbed out of her car and walked briskly into the crowded coffee shop. She ordered the usual and sat down in her chair by the window. She loved to watch the people as they went about their business. Sometimes she would spend hours in the coffee shop just watching the people who walked up and down the busy high street . She was that kind of person. Even though she had many close friends who she adored, she was unafraid of her own company.

Then all of a sudden a commotion across the street caught her eye. There was a crowd of camera men following someone, all trying to get a decent photo. Ellen chuckled to herself and turned away. As she turned her head she caught sight of the man they were following. She stopped laughing and craned her neck to try and get a better view.

He was gorgeous, he looked like a god, and he was staring right at her! His green eyes shone like emeralds and his porcelain skin was covered in dark freckles. The feature Ellen most liked was his jawline, which was perfectly defined and extremely striking. His longish hair was gelled up slightly, but not overly gelled like most men. He was just perfect. Ellen had a feeling she she had seen him before. Maybe he's a movie star she thought to herself. She didn't watch many movies. She gave him a smile and looked down into her empty mug.

Ellen stood up, tipped her waitress and left. She wanted to get a few bits and bobs before she left town so she headed towards the supermarket.

When Ellen reached the supermarket she was grateful of the warmth, she unwrapped her navy infinity scarf and slung it into her bag. As she walked in the direction of the baking aisle she caught a glimpse of the guy with the freckles again, just out of the corner of her eye. She turned to look at him but he was already looking straight at her. He was unaccompanied now and had a big grin on his face. Ellen smiled shyly back, she continued on her way to the baking aisle, if he liked her he'll come and find me, she hoped.

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