Part 7 : Apology and Reunion

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Anna Shaina's POV :
Let's see after Kira talked to us we started to travel back.

Hey, Asha. John Dale

What is it ?

Kira still look a bit sad. John Dale


Its normal for someone telling other people about their past especially if its hard to talk about it. I hope she'll be fine.

JD doesn't Keith and Kira look a bit more closer than before ?

Now that you mention it they did became close. Its the first time I saw her having fun with a boy.

Now that I remember it she doesn't mingle much with boys.

Back at the palace...

The tea looks lovely. Keith

Keith, can we swap teas ? Kira

Sure, here you go. Keith

Your highness, where have you been ?

Even Keith was gone.

I'm sorry that we were missing. What did I missed ?

A diplomat from the Moon kingdom is here I believe his name is Phillip.

A/N : Oh, right forgot about him.

Where is he ? John Dale

He's at the throne room.

Very well, I shall greet him. John Dale

Phillip is here ? That's weird he doesn't really want to come back here. Maybe something happened ?

At the throne room...

Your highness, its been a while. Phillip

Tell me your reason for coming here. John Dale

I was worried for princess Shaina's stay here. As her old mentor I came here how she is doing. Phillip

Is it just me or John Dale is wearing some cold eyes. Its kinda scary.

Is that so ? As you can see for yourself she is alive and well. Now please leave. John Dale

I can't move. His eyes are too scary just hearing his voice is making me tremble.

Take him away. John Dale

Yes, your majesty.

At the corridor...

JD, why did you do that ?! Phillip was my mentor !! What you did to him will be known by my father !! And then he might think that is what your also doing to me !!!

Listen here Asha, your my fiancee and this is my country. You just have to listen and do as I say. John Dale

His eyes are so cold. I'm shaking my eyes became teary and then its as if John Dale's eyes changed and was a bit suprised.

I'm sorry... I'm really sorry Asha. Please excuse me. John Dale

John Dale walked away without looking back or anything. I was suprised by it. I feel like I became distant from him better yet I don't know anything about him.

So, you already saw that cold eyes of him. Keith

Keith !!

Can't be helped. Kira

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