| Arriving Born |

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"Morning blondie." Xiao quickly sticks up his middle finger.

"Morning emo!" I roll my eyes.

Multiple people look our way as we throw insults at the other. You wouldn't know we hated each other, or at least, he does. He just pisses me off sometimes, but I'd never hate him.

We laugh and playfully fight each other. Like siblings, if only we were that close.

"Where's Lumine? Doesn't she always walk in with you?" He questions.

"She's actually home 'sick' today." I say sarcastically.

"Oh, been there. See you." He walks off like there hadn't been a conversation. Probably just got bored.

I follow not far behind him discreetly.


"Aether? Had you not have thought I'd see you? It's the littlest bit obvious." I sigh in defeat as I come out of my spot. He's standing there against the wall awaiting my answer.

"Was just making sure you got to where you needed to be," I 'confessed'.

"So you wanted to make sure that I got to safety is what I'm hearing." - X

"Whatever helps you sleep at night" I joke.

He hums in response.

"We have our first class together, no? Couldn't you have made sure I was well then?" He challenges fearlessly.

"I guess I could've, thank you for your advice good sir." - A

"No problem" - X

He walks away yet again. God, if only I hadn't gotten caught.

Class starts:

From the corner of my eye, I see Xiao staring deep into my eyes.

"What are you looking at." I harshly ask.

"Some clueless and blind guy who can't take hints" he responds calmly.

What does that mean? Can't take hints? Have I not been listening to the teacher?

I look at him dumbfounded.

"This is exactly what I mean," he chuckles.

I wonder what he's talking about.


This is going to be difficult. Normally I sit with Lumine at her table but I'm not sure if I'd be allowed there today, since she's gone.

Walking in the cafeteria, someone calls me over to sit with them. Of course it's Xiaos table.

They make space as I sit down.

"You looked lost, they kick you out of their table?" Hu Tao asks.

"I regularly sit with my sister, but she's home sick today. I don't know if I'm welcome at her table." I honestly state.

"Pfft, loser." Xiao laughs.

Ganyu hits him on the head for the name he called me.

"I'm terribly sorry about him, he doesn't know his manners." She apologizes bowing over the table.

"It's fine. He asks like this toward me all of the time." I admit. Ganyu shoots him a look. Like a mother would if her child acted out of line.

She whispered something in his ear that had made him shut up.

I'm getting a unsteady feeling at this table. I can't wait for Lumine to come back.

Xiaos POV of the story:

"Morning emo!" He rolls his eyes.

For the next few minutes we throw insults and make harmless comments. From the side of my eyes I see people looking from all over. Do we not normally act like this?

I soon notice he wasn't with Lumine walking in.

"Where's Lumine? Doesn't she always walk in with you?" I question.

"She's actually home 'sick' today." I can hear the sarcasm in his voice.

This reminds me of the times I played sick to stay home. "Oh, been there. See you." I say walking off into the building.


The feeling of Aether stalking me lingers for some time. Soon I gain confidence to address the matter.

"Aether? Had you not have thought I'd see you? It's the littlest bit obvious." I lean against the way to be more comfortable. He sighs and walks out of his spot.

He says he wanted to make sure I got where I needed to be. So I respond with saying he wanted me safe and made sure to remind him that we have our first class together. So he can see me then.

He agrees and I walk away yet again to get to our class.

Class starts:

I know I haven't been listening to the teachers nonsense.

His eyes, they are so mesmerizing. They aren't blue like the ocean but I always somehow find a way to drown in them every time. They're more of a goldish color with a hint of platinum blonde added to them. The color of the sun setting. A flame that has been burning in my heart.

"What are you looking at." He accuses.

I snap out of my trance quickly.
"Some stupid and blind guy who can't take hints."

He looks like such an idiot trying to piece it together. I don't think he has yet.

"This is exactly what I mean," I chuckle.


"He looked so clueless, it was adorable." I tell my table.

"My Lord, Xiao, you're hopeless." Kazuha face palms.

I see Aether looking around the cafeteria.

"Isn't that him right there?!" Hu Tao jumps up excitedly. "Let's invite him over!" She smiles widely.

Hu Tao calls him over to the table and he sits down.

"You looked lost, they kick you out of their table?" She seems concerned.

"I regularly sit with my sister, but she's home sick today. I don't know if I'm welcome at her table." He says honestly.

I almost comforted him, but.

"Pfft, loser." I laugh.

Ganyu hits me on the head for the name calling and apologizes to Aether for me.

Aether explains how I always act like this around him. Ganyu gives me a look that only says 'I'm in trouble'.

She leans over and moves her hand so nobody can read our lips.

"That's no way to treat the boy you've been obsessing over." She teases.

Aether looks confused as he sits there without explanation.

School ends. (They didn't interact after the awkwardness)

"See ya tomorrow imbecile." I word carefully for him to hear with his little ears.

"See you, handsome."





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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2024 ⏰

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