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"Saving a place would sound sweeter!"
The voice echoed in the silence.
Non could force a voice for a reply but it did..."truth isn't very sweet" Said Merlin.
With a helpless sigh I continued " A lie would be much of a favor " , Merlin chuckled at her place
" No surprise it was just a daily dose of adding up a level to confirm for the highest of ur standards Ele "
" imagine me taking this library on rent for the whole year " I gasp as I close the long opened pages of the novel in my hand.
"Damn that could sound better than traveling this long every day" Said Merlin in a louder tone as I followed with a ' stop it ' expression.


After high school I moved here at Boston , the last time I visited my original home at Florida was years back.
I'm Elen,Elen Flores
Ever since I step in my days of teen I've been accompanied by my bestfriend Merlin who often reminds me how easy-going I was with my past relationships , the obvious worry she had was me ending up in bed with a jerk but
as a 'book lovers' or simply call us the book worms that could probably spend a whole afternoon with novels, not much to expect from us but a broken past glory and fictional attention .


We walked in the college campus as we remained lost in our conversation when a body struck onto my shoulder ,I quickly turn my gaze and raise my sight. It was clear ,a tall pale skined men but the scene tightened my hopes when I noticed the expensive beige fit worn neatly on the body capable to turn my book senses alive! I wouldn't stop admirating very inch of the visual ,until someone pinched my arm " what are u doing Elen!? " Merlin spoke . I look at her and back to the tall body when I realise we are still at the mid hall.. I could neither think of apologising nor move, all I could sense was his cold gaze and the strong scent that ran through my nose trills .

When a voice broke in " may I have a move.........Elen? "
My eyes struck his ,no way..he did knew my name but than I recall Merlin calling my name loud enough for it to travel up his ear .
" S-Sure! M-Mm" I mumbled with embarrassment,

"By the way the distance isn't a problem to me "

my body sensed his cold voice close to my ears as he walks away . Merlin cracks in " wtf! Did I just saw that hottie wishper u at that distance! "
That woke me up , I was still in confusion but my eyes literally said my heart is out of beat. The hall was filled with gossips and sight pointing on us

A moment pass with blank thought when

" shit! We're late " I said while lowering my gaze at my watch

I looked at Merlin who was merely taking a sigh with an eyeroll and was ready to take a faster step forward .

The class wasn't the point , my mind was drawing the past scene for a several times! I could still sense my heart skipping a bit as he locked his sharp blue eyes with mine and the strong scent that perfectly defines him , what more could I wish for............being Rich?
My mind didn't had the space for I barely find my ears awake to hear the lecture but than a creaking sound made me turn , nothing to be surprised of, its just Merlin sneaking in her gravings for almost the 50th time . " did u emptied the whole fridge this week? " I said with a mockingly smile
. Without a hesitation she gives a mystivious smile and replies
" I can't let the rats work alone with emptying the fridge " ,I chuckled.


As the class ended we were on our way to the library when my phone rang " hello mom " I answered , " hun i know its already time for ur classes to end and would want u here sooner i am sending u my location "
My steps slowed and with a few it stopped , I simply replied with a" hm " and cut the phone . As I turn towards Merlin I found her looking at me already ," alright gurl u may go on with ur good date " she said ,I was about to explain but her words left my mouth back close I simply give her a smile followed by a sigh," it better be a millionaire or not " she continued patting on my shoulder
I smiled even more as we part our ways


" alright ,its here " I said as I stand before a restaurant dolled up in a red wine coloured body cotting dress offered with a gold preferred necklace .
I had a black sling bag in my left hand and my phone up close my ear as I ended the call and started walking forward .


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