Year 5: Skye's Interference

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'Er... Nora?'

Charlie Weasley was trying to get my attention at the end of our Care of Magical Creatures lesson. I'd been in such a fog these last few days, I had no idea if this was the first time he'd called my name.

I looked up at, feeling exhausted just at the prospect of engaging with him. All I wanted to go was go back to my dormitory and hide. Murphy had Divination now, if I hurried, I could get back to the common room before he did and avoid running into him.

It had been three days and I hadn't seen him once. Not that I was trying to. Even the thought of laying eyes on him was enough to make my stomach roll and my eyes burn.

I left my dormitory room for classes and nothing else. I had no appetite for food and I'd missed Quidditch practise for the first time ever just the night before.

But Murphy hadn't tried to find me either. At least, he hadn't passed a message through Skye, Rowan or Tulip that he was looking for me.

I just felt numb. I knew he had only said he wanted to take a break, but he was always so determined. If he wasn't sure he wanted to be with me, there wasn't much myself or anyone else could do to change his mind.

I hated seeing him angry. He was never angry, always cheerful, never a care in the world beyond the next house match or the latest racing broom.

Damn it, I'd really made a mess of things.

In the back of my mind, I knew I was only sixteen. I still had my whole life ahead of me and there would be plenty of time for boys later. In fact, without a boyfriend, I would have more time to focus on the Cursed Vaults without anyone getting jealous that I was spending time with people like Bill or Charlie Weasley, Barnaby Lee or Talbott Winger.

And I would have more time to focus on Quidditch. My heart clenched at that thought. Murphy and Quidditch just simply went together in my mind. There was no having one without the other. Maybe I would give up Quidditch for a bit, until it was less painful.

But in the moment, I felt like my life was over.

Charlie, meanwhile was looking at me with a curious look on his face while the rest of the class trudged through the clearing avoiding piles of Chimera dung as they went. It was like he wasn't sure if I was about to walk away and pretend I'd never heard him speak. I let out a slow breath. Charlie was my friend. I really didn't want to come off as rude to him.

'Sorry, Charlie,' I told him, brushing a loose lock of hair from my face. 'What was it?'

He looked a bit relieved. I just hoped he made this quick, I wanted to get back to the castle while there wasn't a big chance I'd run into Murphy. Maybe it was back to McNully now. I wasn't his girlfriend anymore. My heart sank even further, if that were even possible.

'Professor Kettleburn's just lent me some new research on Ukrainian Ironbellies on the Romanian Dragon Reserve,' he started, already beginning to look excited. I could help my own small smile. Charlie loved dragons. 'Do you want to read it with me?'

'Oh... er... now?' I asked.

Charlie could talk my ear off about dragons and I had a feeling I was one of the few people who actually let him. That, plus the fact that we were both on our house Quidditch teams meant we got on fairly better than most.

'Well, after supper... maybe,' he went on.

'Er... why don't you go through it first for yourself?' I suggested, feeling suddenly very overwhelmed. 'Then you can tell me all about it.'

'Okay!' He said eagerly. 'I'll let you know when I've read it all.'

Knowing him, it would only be an hour.

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