Year 3: Quidditch Final

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Gryffindor won their match against Hufflepuff. Slytherin won their match against Hufflepuff, making the former undefeated and the latter winless for the season. Ravenclaw won our match against Gryffindor by a very narrow margin. Twenty points, to be exact. Irina had somehow spotted the Snitch before Charlie and he'd had no choice but to dive for it or risk losing by an even greater margin.

The Quidditch final match was set. Ravenclaw versus Slytherin, the day after finals were finished being written and just three days before the official end of term.

Bill, Tulip, Rowan, Barnaby and I decided the best time to infiltrate the Restricted Section of the library would be directly after the Quidditch final. Everyone would be finished their exams, Madam Pince's guard would be low. And either Ravenclaw or Slytherin would be celebrating and hopefully creating a massive distraction. With any luck, Madam Pince wouldn't even be in the library.

Skye's old broomstick was massively better than my Jacob's old Shooting Star. It took me the entire first practise after getting it to get used to it. And it was incredible. I could cut my turns closer and dive further, something McNully was extremely excited about for some reason. I was excited about it, too. I had no idea how much that old broom was holding me back.

The morning of the final match dawned cool and sunny. Pristine Quidditch conditions, hardly a breeze in the air at all. For the first time that year, I wore my lightweight exercise clothing under my royal blue uniform instead of my thermal gear. I had a feeling I'd be sweating before long once we got in the air. I was practically trembling with excitement when Orion finally told the team it was time to head to the pitch after breakfast. There were cheers from our fellow Ravenclaws along with boos and hisses from the Slytherins as we exited the Great Hall for the pitch.

'We've faced Slytherin before,' Orion started the team vivification as soon as we were all seated on the hard benches in the changeroom. 'We know what we're up against. I anticipate no surprises this morning. Our only weakness was Nora's broomstick and I'd say that's no longer an issue.'

'Woo!' I cheered, pumping my fist in the air while Skye, Seth and Chris thumped me on the back.

'Slytherin are over-confident,' Orion went on. 'They've been undefeated this season and are defending Quidditch Cup Champions. They'll play dirty, but Ravenclaw knows there's more to Quidditch then strength and surreptitiousness.'

I chuckled in spite of myself. I was giddy.

'The long and short of it is we have a blinding team this year,' McNully cut in, something he'd never done before. 'Ravenclaw has every capability of winning the Quidditch Cup, I won't give you the exact numbers because I don't want you all getting cocky, but our odds are better than theirs!'

There was another great cheer.

'That, and it's my final year!' Sean Ross, the Keeper shouted over the din. 'I want my name on that bloody cup!'

'Let's get out there and do it!' Skye stood and raised her broomstick in the air. 'For Ravenclaw!'

'For Ravenclaw!' We all echoed, hoisting our own brooms in the air.

'And Sean!' Sean added. Everyone laughed.

'Hang on, hang on,' McNully said seriously. 'Give us a minute to get to the Commentary Box, I can't have you all flying out without announcing you properly!'

At that, he rolled out of the tent, leaving the rest of the team full of energy. I knew no one wanted anything more than to zoom out onto the pitch and do a few laps as a team like we'd practised.

Irina peeked behind the tent towards the pitch.

'Slytherin are already out there,' she told us. 'I suppose they're too good to get announced.'

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